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pkgs = import ../.;
inherit (pkgs) lib;
in rec {
# We generate Nix code to get an attribute set with the component names as
# keys and lists of the corresponding components as values
testsListsIfd = pkgs.runCommand "unittests-list" {} ''
cd ${pkgs.irdest-rust.testBinaries}/bin
echo "{" > $out
for binary in *
echo " \"''${binary%-test}\" = [" >> $out
./$binary --list | sed -n "s/\(.*\): test/ \"\1\"/p" >> $out
echo " ];" >> $out
echo "}" >> $out
testsLists = import testsListsIfd;
# provide a nested attribute set containing a derivation for each test:
# $ nix-build nix/ci/rust.nix -A tests.trivial.batch_insert
# $ ls result
# log status
# $
tests = with lib; mapAttrs (
component: tests: listToAttrs (
map (
test: nameValuePair test (
pkgs.runCommand "${component}-${test}" {} ''
set -xo pipefail
mkdir -p $out
${pkgs.irdest-rust.testBinaries}/bin/${component}-test ${test} | tee $out/log
echo $? > $out/status
set +x
) tests
) testsLists;
# Generate a GitLab CI pipeline file
jobs = with lib; listToAttrs (
concatLists (
mapAttrsToList (
component: tests: (
map (
test: nameValuePair "${component}-${test}" {
needs = [];
tags = [ "irdest-nix" ];
stage = "build";
script = [
"nix-build nix/ci/rust.nix -A tests.${component}.${test}"
"exit $(cat result/status)"
artifacts = {
when = "always";
paths = [ "result/*" ];
) tests
) testsLists
pipeline = pkgs.writeText "rust-gitlab-ci.yml" (builtins.toJSON jobs);