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{ lib, stdenv, llvm_meta, cmake, python3
, monorepoSrc, runCommand
, cxx-headers, libunwind, version
, enableShared ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
}: let
withLibunwind = !stdenv.isDarwin && !stdenv.isFreeBSD && !stdenv.hostPlatform.isWasm;
semi-static = enableShared && stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows &&;
enableShared' = enableShared && !semi-static;
standalone = stdenv.hostPlatform.useLLVM or false;
useLLVMUnwinder = standalone && withLibunwind;
in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libcxxabi";
inherit version;
src = runCommand "${pname}-src-${version}" {} ''
mkdir -p "$out"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/cmake "$out"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/${pname} "$out"
mkdir -p "$out/libcxx/src"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/libcxx/cmake "$out/libcxx"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/libcxx/include "$out/libcxx"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/libcxx/src/include "$out/libcxx/src"
mkdir -p "$out/llvm"
cp -r ${monorepoSrc}/llvm/cmake "$out/llvm"
sourceRoot = "${}/${pname}";
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
postUnpack = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
export TRIPLE=x86_64-apple-darwin
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isWasm ''
patch -p1 -d llvm -i ${./wasm.patch}
patches = [
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake python3 ];
buildInputs = lib.optional withLibunwind libunwind;
passthru = { inherit semi-static useLLVMUnwinder; };
cmakeFlags = [
] ++ lib.optionals standalone [
] ++ lib.optionals useLLVMUnwinder [
] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.hostPlatform.isWasm [
] ++ lib.optionals (!enableShared') [
] ++ lib.optionals semi-static [
] ++ lib.optional
installPhase = if stdenv.isDarwin
then ''
for file in lib/*.dylib; do
# this should be done in CMake, but having trouble figuring out
# the magic combination of necessary CMake variables
# if you fancy a try, take a look at
install_name_tool -id $out/$file $file
make install
install -d 755 $out/include
install -m 644 ../include/*.h $out/include
else ''
install -d -m 755 $out/include $out/lib
install -m 644 lib/libc++abi.a $out/lib
install -m 644 ../include/cxxabi.h $out/include
'' + lib.optionalString enableShared' ''
install -m 644 lib/ $out/lib
ln -s $out/lib/
ln -s $out/lib/
meta = llvm_meta // {
homepage = "";
description = "Provides C++ standard library support";
longDescription = ''
libc++abi is a new implementation of low level support for a standard C++ library.
# "All of the code in libc++abi is dual licensed under the MIT license and
# the UIUC License (a BSD-like license)":
license = with lib.licenses; [ mit ncsa ];
maintainers = llvm_meta.maintainers ++ [ lib.maintainers.vlstill ];
broken = true; # TODO: gnu-install-dirs.patch fails to apply