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{ lib, buildGoModule, fetchFromGitHub, installShellFiles, testVersion, roxctl }:
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "roxctl";
version = "3.69.1";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "stackrox";
repo = "stackrox";
rev = version;
sha256 = "sha256-fB43C+gMtUOg/Ah1fOTnOWOUmS0TjXkNCzw/TKfMzj4=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-M+ZueycJEaDVzC2bFwQc5EulCrdz6lvzyD8YCoGyW1g=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ installShellFiles ];
subPackages = [ "roxctl" ];
ldflags = [
postInstall = ''
installShellCompletion --cmd roxctl \
--bash <($out/bin/roxctl completion bash) \
--fish <($out/bin/roxctl completion fish) \
--zsh <($out/bin/roxctl completion zsh)
passthru.tests.version = testVersion {
package = roxctl;
command = "roxctl version";
meta = with lib; {
description = "Command-line client of the StackRox Kubernetes Security Platform";
license = licenses.asl20;
homepage = "";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ stehessel ];