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{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, coq, version ? null }:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
inherit version;
pname = "coqhammer";
owner = "lukaszcz";
defaultVersion = with versions; switch coq.coq-version [
{ case = "8.12"; out = "1.3-coq8.12"; }
{ case = "8.11"; out = "1.3-coq8.11"; }
{ case = "8.10"; out = "1.3-coq8.10"; }
{ case = "8.9"; out = "1.1.1-coq8.9"; }
{ case = "8.8"; out = "1.1-coq8.8"; }
] null;
release."1.3-coq8.12".sha256 = "1q1y3cwhd98pkm98g71fsdjz85bfwgcz2xn7s7wwmiraifv5l6z8";
release."1.3-coq8.11".sha256 = "08zf8qfna7b9p2myfaz4g7bas3a1q1156x78n5isqivlnqfrjc1b";
release."1.3-coq8.10".sha256 = "1fj8497ir4m79hyrmmmmrag01001wrby0h24wv6525vz0w5py3cd";
release."1.1.1-coq8.9".sha256 = "1knjmz4hr8vlp103j8n4fyb2lfxysnm512gh3m2kp85n6as6fvb9";
release."1.1-coq8.8".sha256 = "0ms086wp4jmrzyglb8wymchzyflflk01nsfsk4r6qv8rrx81nx9h";
release."1.3-coq8.12".version = "1.3";
release."1.3-coq8.11".version = "1.3";
release."1.3-coq8.10".version = "1.3";
release."1.1.1-coq8.9".version = "1.1.1";
release."1.1-coq8.9".version = "1.1";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace Makefile.coq.local --replace \
'$(if $(COQBIN),$(COQBIN),`coqc -where | xargs dirname | xargs dirname`/bin/)' \
substituteInPlace Makefile.coq.local --replace 'g++' 'c++' --replace 'gcc' 'cc'
preInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
mlPlugin = true;
meta = {
homepage = "";
description = "Automation for Dependent Type Theory";
license = licenses.lgpl21;
maintainers = [ maintainers.vbgl ];