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{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchurl
, apfel
, apfelgrid
, applgrid
, blas
, ceres-solver
, cmake
, gfortran
, gsl
, lapack
, lhapdf
, libtirpc
, libyaml
, libyamlcpp
, pkg-config
, qcdnum
, root
, zlib
, memorymappingHook, memstreamHook
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "xfitter";
version = "2.2.0";
src = fetchurl {
name = "${pname}-${version}.tgz";
url = "${pname}-${version}.tgz";
sha256 = "sha256-ZHIQ5hOY+k0/wmpE0o4Po+RZ4MkVMk+bK1Rc6eqwwH0=";
patches = [
# Avoid need for -fallow-argument-mismatch
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake gfortran pkg-config ];
buildInputs =
[ apfel blas ceres-solver lhapdf lapack libyaml root qcdnum gsl libyamlcpp zlib ]
++ lib.optionals ("5" == lib.versions.major root.version) [ apfelgrid applgrid ]
++ lib.optionals (stdenv.system == "x86_64-darwin") [ memorymappingHook memstreamHook ]
++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") libtirpc
NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") "-I${}/include/tirpc";
NIX_LDFLAGS = lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") "-ltirpc";
# workaround wrong library IDs
postInstall = lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
ln -sv "$out/lib/xfitter/"* "$out/lib/"
meta = with lib; {
description = "The xFitter project is an open source QCD fit framework ready to extract PDFs and assess the impact of new data";
license = licenses.gpl3;
homepage = "";
platforms = platforms.unix;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ veprbl ];