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{ system ? builtins.currentSystem
, config ? {}
, pkgs ? import ../.. { inherit system config; }
with import ../lib/testing-python.nix { inherit system pkgs; };
makeTest {
name = "tigervnc";
meta = with pkgs.lib.maintainers; {
maintainers = [ lheckemann ];
nodes = {
server = { pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [
tigervnc # for Xvnc
imagemagickBig # for display with working label: support
networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 5901 ];
client = { pkgs, ... }: {
imports = [ ./common/x11.nix ];
# for vncviewer
environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.tigervnc ];
enableOCR = true;
testScript = ''
for host in [server, client]:
host.succeed("echo foobar | vncpasswd -f > vncpasswd")
server.succeed("Xvnc -geometry 720x576 :1 -PasswordFile vncpasswd >&2 &")
server.wait_until_succeeds("nc -z localhost 5901", timeout=10)
server.succeed("DISPLAY=:1 xwininfo -root | grep 720x576")
server.execute("DISPLAY=:1 display -size 360x200 -font sans -gravity south label:'HELLO VNC WORLD' >&2 &")
client.execute("vncviewer server:1 -PasswordFile vncpasswd >&2 &")
text = client.get_screen_text()
# Displayed text
assert 'HELLO VNC WORLD' in text
# Client window title
assert 'TigerVNC' in text