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/* Overlays in LIBKOOKIE are split into three parts
* patches: upstream but with cool stuff
* staging: things that might become upstream
* kookie: scripts and utils that won't leave LIBKOOKIE
self: super: {
## Custom packages (previously kookiepkgs)
barrel-blog = self.callPackage ./kookie/barrel-blog {};
brook-frontend = self.callPackage ./kookie/brook-frontend {};
invoice = self.callPackage ./kookie/invoice {};
libkookie-emacs = self.callPackage ./kookie/emacs {};
spacekookie-de = self.callPackage ./kookie/spacekookie-de {};
## Packages to-be-upstreamed
foo2zjs = self.callPackage ./staging/foo2zjs { };
nodemcu-uploader = self.callPackage ./staging/nodemcu-uploader { };
rmfakecloud = self.callPackage ./staging/rmfakecloud { };
## Override packages from nixpkgs
cgit = self.callPackage ./patches/cgit { inherit (super) cgit; };
htop = self.callPackage ./patches/htop { inherit (super) htop; };
iosevka = self.callPackage ./patches/iosevka { inherit (super) iosevka; };
any-nix-shell = self.callPackage ./patches/any-nix-shell { inherit (super) any-nix-shell; };
## Include the rust overlay
// (import ./rust self super)