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{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
inherit ( wrapperDir wrappers;
7 years ago
parentWrapperDir = dirOf wrapperDir;
securityWrapper = pkgs.callPackage ./wrapper.nix {
inherit parentWrapperDir;
fileModeType =
# taken from the chmod(1) man page
symbolic = "[ugoa]*([-+=]([rwxXst]*|[ugo]))+|[-+=][0-7]+";
numeric = "[-+=]?[0-7]{0,4}";
mode = "((${symbolic})(,${symbolic})*)|(${numeric})";
lib.types.strMatching mode
// { description = "file mode string"; };
wrapperType = lib.types.submodule ({ name, config, ... }: {
options.source = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.path;
description = "The absolute path to the program to be wrapped.";
options.program = lib.mkOption
{ type = with lib.types; nullOr str;
default = name;
description = ''
The name of the wrapper program. Defaults to the attribute name.
options.owner = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.str;
default = with config;
if (capabilities != "") || !(setuid || setgid || permissions != null)
then "root"
else "nobody";
description = ''
The owner of the wrapper program. Defaults to <literal>root</literal>
if any capability is set and setuid/setgid/permissions are not, otherwise to
}; = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.str;
default = with config;
if (capabilities != "") || !(setuid || setgid || permissions != null)
then "root"
else "nogroup";
description = ''
The group of the wrapper program. Defaults to <literal>root</literal>
if any capability is set and setuid/setgid/permissions are not,
otherwise to <literal>nogroup</litera>.
options.permissions = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.nullOr fileModeType;
default = null;
example = "u+rx,g+x,o+x";
apply = x: if x == null then "u+rx,g+x,o+x" else x;
description = ''
The permissions of the wrapper program. The format is that of a
symbolic or numeric file mode understood by <command>chmod</command>.
options.capabilities = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.commas;
default = "";
description = ''
A comma-separated list of capabilities to be given to the wrapper
program. For capabilities supported by the system check the
manual page.
<literal>cap_setpcap</literal>, which is required for the wrapper
program to be able to raise caps into the Ambient set is NOT raised
to the Ambient set so that the real program cannot modify its own
capabilities!! This may be too restrictive for cases in which the
real program needs cap_setpcap but it at least leans on the side
security paranoid vs. too relaxed.
options.setuid = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether to add the setuid bit the wrapper program.";
options.setgid = lib.mkOption
{ type = lib.types.bool;
default = false;
description = "Whether to add the setgid bit the wrapper program.";
###### Activation script for the setcap wrappers
mkSetcapProgram =
{ program
, capabilities
, source
, owner
, group
, permissions
, ...
assert (lib.versionAtLeast (lib.getVersion config.boot.kernelPackages.kernel) "4.3");
cp ${securityWrapper}/bin/security-wrapper $wrapperDir/${program}
echo -n "${source}" > $wrapperDir/${program}.real
# Prevent races
chmod 0000 $wrapperDir/${program}
chown ${owner}.${group} $wrapperDir/${program}
# Set desired capabilities on the file plus cap_setpcap so
# the wrapper program can elevate the capabilities set on
# its file into the Ambient set.
${pkgs.libcap.out}/bin/setcap "cap_setpcap,${capabilities}" $wrapperDir/${program}
# Set the executable bit
chmod ${permissions} $wrapperDir/${program}
###### Activation script for the setuid wrappers
mkSetuidProgram =
{ program
, source
, owner
, group
, setuid
, setgid
, permissions
, ...
cp ${securityWrapper}/bin/security-wrapper $wrapperDir/${program}
echo -n "${source}" > $wrapperDir/${program}.real
# Prevent races
chmod 0000 $wrapperDir/${program}
chown ${owner}.${group} $wrapperDir/${program}
chmod "u${if setuid then "+" else "-"}s,g${if setgid then "+" else "-"}s,${permissions}" $wrapperDir/${program}
7 years ago
mkWrappedPrograms =
if opts.capabilities != ""
then mkSetcapProgram opts
else mkSetuidProgram opts
) (lib.attrValues wrappers);
imports = [
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "setuidOwners" ] "Use security.wrappers instead")
(lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "security" "setuidPrograms" ] "Use security.wrappers instead")
###### interface
options = {
security.wrappers = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf wrapperType;
default = {};
example = lib.literalExample
{ sendmail.source = "/nix/store/.../bin/sendmail";
ping = {
source = "${pkgs.iputils.out}/bin/ping";
owner = "nobody";
group = "nogroup";
capabilities = "cap_net_raw+ep";
description = ''
This option effectively allows adding setuid/setgid bits, capabilities,
changing file ownership and permissions of a program without directly
modifying it. This works by creating a wrapper program under the
<option>security.wrapperDir</option> directory, which is then added to
the shell <literal>PATH</literal>.
security.wrapperDir = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.path;
default = "/run/wrappers/bin";
internal = true;
description = ''
This option defines the path to the wrapper programs. It
should not be overriden.
###### implementation
config = {
assertions = lib.mapAttrsToList
(name: opts:
{ assertion = opts.setuid || opts.setgid -> opts.capabilities == "";
message = ''
The security.wrappers.${name} wrapper is not valid:
setuid/setgid and capabilities are mutually exclusive.
) wrappers;
security.wrappers = {
# These are mount related wrappers that require the +s permission.
fusermount.source = "${pkgs.fuse}/bin/fusermount";
fusermount3.source = "${pkgs.fuse3}/bin/fusermount3";
mount.source = "${lib.getBin pkgs.util-linux}/bin/mount";
umount.source = "${lib.getBin pkgs.util-linux}/bin/umount";
boot.specialFileSystems.${parentWrapperDir} = {
fsType = "tmpfs";
options = [ "nodev" "mode=755" ];
# Make sure our wrapperDir exports to the PATH env variable when
# initializing the shell
environment.extraInit = ''
# Wrappers override other bin directories.
export PATH="${wrapperDir}:$PATH"
security.apparmor.includes."nixos/security.wrappers" = ''
include "${pkgs.apparmorRulesFromClosure { name="security.wrappers"; } [
###### setcap activation script
system.activationScripts.wrappers =
lib.stringAfter [ "specialfs" "users" ]
# Look in the system path and in the default profile for
# programs to be wrapped.
chmod 755 "${parentWrapperDir}"
# We want to place the tmpdirs for the wrappers to the parent dir.
wrapperDir=$(mktemp --directory --tmpdir="${parentWrapperDir}" wrappers.XXXXXXXXXX)
chmod a+rx $wrapperDir
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n" mkWrappedPrograms}
if [ -L ${wrapperDir} ]; then
# Atomically replace the symlink
# See
old=$(readlink -f ${wrapperDir})
if [ -e ${wrapperDir}-tmp ]; then
rm --force --recursive ${wrapperDir}-tmp
ln --symbolic --force --no-dereference $wrapperDir ${wrapperDir}-tmp
mv --no-target-directory ${wrapperDir}-tmp ${wrapperDir}
rm --force --recursive $old
# For initial setup
ln --symbolic $wrapperDir ${wrapperDir}