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3 years ago
description = ''
Pure and reproducible overlay for binary distributed rust toolchains.
A compatible but better replacement for rust overlay of github:mozilla/nixpkgs-mozilla.
3 years ago
inputs = {
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, flake-utils, ... }@inputs: let
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
overlay = import ./.;
3 years ago
allSystems = [
# "aarch64-darwin"
in {
3 years ago
overlay = final: prev: overlay final prev;
} // flake-utils.lib.eachSystem allSystems (system: let
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ overlay ]; };
in rec {
# `defaultApp`, `defaultPackage` and `packages` are for human only.
# They are subject to change and **DO NOT** depend on them in your flake.
# Please use `overlay` instead.
3 years ago
defaultApp = {
type = "app";
program = "${defaultPackage}/bin/rustc";
defaultPackage = packages.rust;
# FIXME: We can only directly provide derivations here without nested set.
# Currently we only provide stable releases. Some nightly versions have components missing
# on some platforms, which makes `nix flake check` to be failed.
packages =
lib.mapAttrs' (version: comps: {
name = "rust-${lib.replaceStrings ["."] ["-"] version}";
value = comps.rust;
}) pkgs.rust-bin.stable // {
rust = packages.rust-latest;
3 years ago
checks = let
inherit (pkgs) rust-bin rustChannelOf;
inherit (pkgs.rust-bin) fromRustupToolchain fromRustupToolchainFile stable nightly;
assertEq = lhs: rhs: {
assertion = lhs == rhs;
message = "`${lhs}` != `${rhs}`";
assertUrl = drv: url: {
assertion = true;
message = "TODO";
assertions = {
# url-kind-2 = assertUrl stable."1.48.0".rust "";
# url-kind-0 = assertUrl stable."1.47.0".rust "";
# url-kind-1 = assertUrl stable."1.34.2".llvm-tools-preview "";
# url-kind-nightly = assertUrl nightly."2021-01-01".rust "";
# url-fix = assertUrl nightly."2019-01-10".rust "";
rust-channel-of-stable = assertEq (rustChannelOf { channel = "stable"; }).rust stable.latest.rust;
rust-channel-of-nightly = assertEq (rustChannelOf { channel = "nightly"; }).rust nightly.latest.rust;
rust-channel-of-version = assertEq (rustChannelOf { channel = "1.48.0"; }).rust stable."1.48.0".rust;
rust-channel-of-nightly-date = assertEq (rustChannelOf { channel = "nightly"; date = "2021-01-01"; }).rust nightly."2021-01-01".rust;
rustup-toolchain-stable = assertEq (fromRustupToolchain { channel = "stable"; }) stable.latest.rust;
rustup-toolchain-nightly = assertEq (fromRustupToolchain { channel = "nightly"; }) nightly.latest.rust;
rustup-toolchain-version = assertEq (fromRustupToolchain { channel = "1.48.0"; }) stable."1.48.0".rust;
rustup-toolchain-nightly-date = assertEq (fromRustupToolchain { channel = "nightly-2021-01-01"; }) nightly."2021-01-01".rust;
rustup-toolchain-customization = assertEq
(fromRustupToolchain {
channel = "1.48.0";
# FIXME: Handle renames `rustfmt` -> `rustfmt-preview`.
components = [ "rustfmt-preview" "rustc-dev" ];
targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" ];
(stable."1.48.0".rust.override {
extensions = [ "rustfmt-preview" "rustc-dev" ];
targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" ];
rustup-toolchain-customization-file = assertEq
(fromRustupToolchainFile ./tests/rust-toolchain)
(nightly."2020-07-10".rust.override {
extensions = [ "rustfmt-preview" "rustc-dev" ];
targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu" ];
checkDrvs = {};
in lib.foldl'
(v: name: if assertions.${name}.assertion
then v
else throw "Assertion `${name}` failed: ${assertions.${name}.message}")
(lib.attrNames assertions);
3 years ago