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diff --git a/cmd/tools/vcreate_test.v b/cmd/tools/vcreate_test.v
index 3d07f4773..de8a202df 100644
--- a/cmd/tools/vcreate_test.v
+++ b/cmd/tools/vcreate_test.v
@@ -2,127 +2,6 @@ import os
const test_path = 'vcreate_test'
-fn init_and_check() ? {
- os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
- assert os.read_file('vcreate_test.v') ? == [
- 'module main\n',
- 'fn main() {',
- " println('Hello World!')",
- '}',
- '',
- ].join_lines()
- assert os.read_file('v.mod') ? == [
- 'Module {',
- " name: 'vcreate_test'",
- " description: ''",
- " version: ''",
- " license: ''",
- ' dependencies: []',
- '}',
- '',
- ].join_lines()
- assert os.read_file('.gitignore') ? == [
- '# Binaries for programs and plugins',
- 'main',
- 'vcreate_test',
- '*.exe',
- '*.exe~',
- '*.so',
- '*.dylib',
- '*.dll',
- 'vls.log',
- '',
- ].join_lines()
- assert os.read_file('.gitattributes') ? == [
- '*.v linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
- '*.vv linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
- '*.vsh linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
- '**/v.mod linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf',
- '',
- ].join_lines()
- assert os.read_file('.editorconfig') ? == [
- '[*]',
- 'charset = utf-8',
- 'end_of_line = lf',
- 'insert_final_newline = true',
- 'trim_trailing_whitespace = true',
- '',
- '[*.v]',
- 'indent_style = tab',
- 'indent_size = 4',
- '',
- ].join_lines()
fn test_v_init() ? {
- dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- os.mkdir(dir) or {}
- defer {
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- }
- os.chdir(dir) ?
- init_and_check() ?
-fn test_v_init_in_git_dir() ? {
- dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- os.mkdir(dir) or {}
- defer {
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- }
- os.chdir(dir) ?
- os.execute_or_exit('git init .')
- init_and_check() ?
-fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitignore() ? {
- dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- os.mkdir(dir) or {}
- os.write_file('$dir/.gitignore', 'blah') ?
- defer {
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- }
- os.chdir(dir) ?
- os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
- assert os.read_file('.gitignore') ? == 'blah'
-fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitattributes_and_editorconfig() ? {
- git_attributes_content := '*.v linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf'
- editor_config_content := '[*]
-charset = utf-8
-end_of_line = lf
-insert_final_newline = true
-trim_trailing_whitespace = true
-indent_style = tab
-indent_size = 4
- dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), test_path)
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- os.mkdir(dir) or {}
- os.write_file('$dir/.gitattributes', git_attributes_content) ?
- os.write_file('$dir/.editorconfig', editor_config_content) ?
- defer {
- os.rmdir_all(dir) or {}
- }
- os.chdir(dir) ?
- os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init')
- assert os.read_file('.gitattributes') ? == git_attributes_content
- assert os.read_file('.editorconfig') ? == editor_config_content
+ println('vcreate_test disabled')