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name = "barrel"
version = "0.6.6-alpha.0"
description = "A powerful schema migration building API for Rust"
authors = ["Katharina Fey <>", "Rob Rowe <>"]
license = "MIT/X11 OR Apache-2.0"
edition = "2018"
readme = ""
repository = ""
homepage = ""
documentation = ""
categories = [ "database", "development-tools"]
keywords = ["sql", "database", "schema", "migration"]
# We can't build documentation with the `diesel` flag enabled
# because then the project no longer builds.
features = ["mysql", "sqlite3", "pg", "unstable"]
name = "pg_strings"
required-features = ["pg"]
name = "sqlite_strings"
required-features = ["sqlite3"]
default = []
diesel = ["tempfile", "diesel_rs"]
sqlite3 = []
mysql = []
pg = []
# Enables unstable (in-development) features,
# even for stable version upgrades
unstable = []
tempfile = { version = "3", optional = true }
diesel_rs = { version = ">= 1.2, < 2.0", package = "diesel", default_features = false, optional = true }