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{ stdenv
, lib
, fetchFromGitHub
, autoreconfHook
, ldc
, installShellFiles
, pkg-config
, curl
, sqlite
, libnotify
, withSystemd ? stdenv.isLinux
, systemd
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "onedrive";
version = "2.4.17";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "abraunegg";
repo = pname;
rev = "v${version}";
hash = "sha256-+ADAPxAZNDqLKLz6rAProqSDINDiTZhc2trxJFFMQeA=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook ldc installShellFiles pkg-config ];
buildInputs = [
] ++ lib.optional withSystemd systemd;
configureFlags = [
] ++ lib.optionals withSystemd [
"--with-systemdsystemunitdir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/systemd/system"
"--with-systemduserunitdir=${placeholder "out"}/lib/systemd/user"
# we could also pass --enable-completions to configure but we would then have to
# figure out the paths manually and pass those along.
postInstall = ''
installShellCompletion --bash --name ${pname} contrib/completions/complete.bash
installShellCompletion --zsh --name _${pname} contrib/completions/complete.zsh
meta = with lib; {
description = "A complete tool to interact with OneDrive on Linux";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ srgom peterhoeg ];
platforms = platforms.linux;