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74 lines
1.6 KiB

{ pkgs
, stdenv
, lib
, jre
, fetchFromGitHub
, writeShellScript
, runCommand
, imagemagick
# To test:
# $(nix-build --no-out-link -E 'with import <nixpkgs> {}; jupyter.override { definitions = { clojure = clojupyter.definition; }; }')/bin/jupyter-notebook
cljdeps = import ./deps.nix { inherit pkgs; };
classp = cljdeps.makeClasspaths {};
shellScript = writeShellScript "clojupyter" ''
${jre}/bin/java -cp ${classp} clojupyter.kernel.core "$@"
pname = "clojupyter";
version = "0.3.3";
meta = with lib; {
description = "A Jupyter kernel for Clojure";
homepage = "";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ thomasjm ];
platforms = jre.meta.platforms;
sizedLogo = size: stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "clojupyter-logo-${size}x${size}.png";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "clojupyter";
repo = "clojupyter";
rev = version;
sha256 = "sha256-BCzcPnLSonm+ELFU4JIIzLPlVnP0VzlrRSGxOd/LFow=";
buildInputs = [ imagemagick ];
dontConfigure = true;
dontInstall = true;
buildPhase = ''
convert ./resources/clojupyter/assets/logo-64x64.png -resize ${size}x${size} $out
inherit meta;
rec {
launcher = runCommand "clojupyter" { inherit pname version meta shellScript; } ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
ln -s $shellScript $out/bin/clojupyter
definition = {
displayName = "Clojure";
argv = [
language = "clojure";
logo32 = sizedLogo "32";
logo64 = sizedLogo "64";