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{ symlinkJoin, lib, makeWrapper, vdr
, plugins ? []
}: let
makeXinePluginPath = l: lib.concatStringsSep ":" (map (p: "${p}/lib/xine/plugins") l);
requiredXinePlugins = lib.flatten (map (p: p.passthru.requiredXinePlugins or []) plugins);
in symlinkJoin {
name = "vdr-with-plugins-${lib.getVersion vdr}";
paths = [ vdr ] ++ plugins;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
postBuild = ''
wrapProgram $out/bin/vdr \
--add-flags "-L $out/lib/vdr --localedir=$out/share/locale" \
--prefix XINE_PLUGIN_PATH ":" ${lib.escapeShellArg (makeXinePluginPath requiredXinePlugins)}
meta = with vdr.meta; {
inherit license homepage;
description = description
+ " (with plugins: "
+ lib.concatStringsSep ", " (map (x: "" plugins)
+ ")";