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{ stdenv, lib, fetchzip, bash
, buildDunePackage, camlp5
, re, perl, ncurses
, ppxlib, ppx_deriving
, ppxlib_0_15, ppx_deriving_0_15
, coqPackages
, version ? "1.14.1"
with lib;
let fetched = coqPackages.metaFetch ({
release."1.14.1".sha256 = "sha256-BZPVL8ymjrE9kVGyf6bpc+GA2spS5JBpkUtZi04nPis=";
release."1.13.7".sha256 = "10fnwz30bsvj7ii1vg4l1li5pd7n0qqmwj18snkdr5j9gk0apc1r";
release."1.13.5".sha256 = "02a6r23mximrdvs6kgv6rp0r2dgk7zynbs99nn7lphw2c4189kka";
release."1.13.1".sha256 = "12a9nbdvg9gybpw63lx3nw5wnxfznpraprb0wj3l68v1w43xq044";
release."1.13.0".sha256 = "0dmzy058m1mkndv90byjaik6lzzfk3aaac7v84mpmkv6my23bygr";
release."1.12.0".sha256 = "1agisdnaq9wrw3r73xz14yrq3wx742i6j8i5icjagqk0ypmly2is";
release."1.11.4".sha256 = "1m0jk9swcs3jcrw5yyw5343v8mgax238cjb03s8gc4wipw1fn9f5";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
location = { domain = ""; owner = "LPCIC"; repo = "elpi"; };
}) version;
buildDunePackage rec {
pname = "elpi";
inherit (fetched) version src;
minimumOCamlVersion = "4.04";
buildInputs = [ perl ncurses ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ camlp5 re ]
++ (if lib.versionAtLeast version "1.13"
then [ ppxlib ppx_deriving ]
else [ ppxlib_0_15 ppx_deriving_0_15 ]
patchPhase = ''
sed -e "s/SHELL:=/SHELL?=/" -i Makefile || true
buildPhase = "SHELL=${bash} make build";
meta = {
description = "Embeddable λProlog Interpreter";
license = licenses.lgpl21Plus;
maintainers = [ maintainers.vbgl ];
homepage = "";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace --replace "tput cols" "${ncurses}/bin/tput cols"
useDune2 = true;