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{ callPackage }:
src = callPackage ./src.nix { };
rec {
inherit (src) packageVersion firefox source;
extraPatches = [ ./verify-telemetry-macros.patch ];
extraConfigureFlags = [
extraPostPatch = ''
while read patch_name; do
echo "applying LibreWolf patch: $patch_name"
patch -p1 < ${source}/$patch_name
done <${source}/assets/patches.txt
cp -r ${source}/themes/browser .
cp ${source}/assets/search-config.json services/settings/dumps/main/search-config.json
sed -i '/MOZ_SERVICES_HEALTHREPORT/ s/True/False/' browser/moz.configure
sed -i '/MOZ_NORMANDY/ s/True/False/' browser/moz.configure
extraPrefsFiles = [ "${source}/submodules/settings/librewolf.cfg" ];
extraPoliciesFiles = [ "${source}/submodules/settings/distribution/policies.json" ];
extraPassthru = {
librewolf = { inherit src extraPatches; };
inherit extraPrefsFiles extraPoliciesFiles;