Merge staging-next into staging

github-actions[bot] 2 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 5a4412d6ee
No known key found for this signature in database
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@ -29,14 +29,19 @@ The recommended way of defining a derivation for a Coq library, is to use the `c
* `releaseRev` (optional, defaults to `(v: v)`), provides a default mapping from release names to revision hashes/branch names/tags,
* `displayVersion` (optional), provides a way to alter the computation of `name` from `pname`, by explaining how to display version numbers,
* `namePrefix` (optional, defaults to `[ "coq" ]`), provides a way to alter the computation of `name` from `pname`, by explaining which dependencies must occur in `name`,
* `extraNativeBuildInputs` (optional), by default `nativeBuildInputs` just contains `coq`, this allows to add more native build inputs, `nativeBuildInputs` are executables and `buildInputs` are libraries and dependencies,
* `extraBuildInputs` (optional), this allows to add more build inputs,
* `mlPlugin` (optional, defaults to `false`). Some extensions (plugins) might require OCaml and sometimes other OCaml packages. Standard dependencies can be added by setting the current option to `true`. For a finer grain control, the `coq.ocamlPackages` attribute can be used in `extraBuildInputs` to depend on the same package set Coq was built against.
* `useDune2ifVersion` (optional, default to `(x: false)` uses Dune2 to build the package if the provided predicate evaluates to true on the version, e.g. `useDune2if = versions.isGe "1.1"` will use dune if the version of the package is greater or equal to `"1.1"`,
* `nativeBuildInputs` (optional), is a list of executables that are required to build the current derivation, in addition to the default ones (namely `which`, `dune` and `ocaml` depending on whether `useDune2`, `useDune2ifVersion` and `mlPlugin` are set).
* `extraNativeBuildInputs` (optional, deprecated), an additional list of derivation to add to `nativeBuildInputs`,
* `overrideNativeBuildInputs` (optional) replaces the default list of derivation to which `nativeBuildInputs` and `extraNativeBuildInputs` adds extra elements,
* `buildInputs` (optional), is a list of libraries and dependencies that are required to build and run the current derivation, in addition to the default one `[ coq ]`,
* `extraBuildInputs` (optional, deprecated), an additional list of derivation to add to `buildInputs`,
* `overrideBuildInputs` (optional) replaces the default list of derivation to which `buildInputs` and `extraBuildInputs` adds extras elements,
* `propagatedBuildInputs` (optional) is passed as is to `mkDerivation`, we recommend to use this for Coq libraries and Coq plugin dependencies, as this makes sure the paths of the compiled libraries and plugins will always be added to the build environements of subsequent derivation, which is necessary for Coq packages to work correctly,
* `mlPlugin` (optional, defaults to `false`). Some extensions (plugins) might require OCaml and sometimes other OCaml packages. Standard dependencies can be added by setting the current option to `true`. For a finer grain control, the `coq.ocamlPackages` attribute can be used in `nativeBuildInputs`, `buildInputs`, and `propagatedBuildInputs` to depend on the same package set Coq was built against.
* `useDune2ifVersion` (optional, default to `(x: false)` uses Dune2 to build the package if the provided predicate evaluates to true on the version, e.g. `useDune2ifVersion = versions.isGe "1.1"` will use dune if the version of the package is greater or equal to `"1.1"`,
* `useDune2` (optional, defaults to `false`) uses Dune2 to build the package if set to true, the presence of this attribute overrides the behavior of the previous one.
* `opam-name` (optional, defaults to concatenating with a dash separator the components of `namePrefix` and `pname`), name of the Dune package to build.
* `enableParallelBuilding` (optional, defaults to `true`), since it is activated by default, we provide a way to disable it.
* `extraInstallFlags` (optional), allows to extend `installFlags` which initializes the variable `COQMF_COQLIB` so as to install in the proper subdirectory. Indeed Coq libraries should be installed in `$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/user-contrib/`. Such directories are automatically added to the `$COQPATH` environment variable by the hook defined in the Coq derivation.
* `extraInstallFlags` (optional), allows to extend `installFlags` which initializes the variables `DESTDIR` and `COQMF_COQLIB` so as to install in the proper subdirectory. Indeed Coq libraries should be installed in `$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/user-contrib/`. Such directories are automatically added to the `$COQPATH` environment variable by the hook defined in the Coq derivation.
* `setCOQBIN` (optional, defaults to `true`), by default, the environment variable `$COQBIN` is set to the current Coq's binary, but one can disable this behavior by setting it to `false`,
* `useMelquiondRemake` (optional, default to `null`) is an attribute set, which, if given, overloads the `preConfigurePhases`, `configureFlags`, `buildPhase`, and `installPhase` attributes of the derivation for a specific use in libraries using `remake` as set up by Guillaume Melquiond for `flocq`, `gappalib`, `interval`, and `coquelicot` (see the corresponding derivation for concrete examples of use of this option). For backward compatibility, the attribute `useMelquiondRemake.logpath` must be set to the logical root of the library (otherwise, one can pass `useMelquiondRemake = {}` to activate this without backward compatibility).
* `dropAttrs`, `keepAttrs`, `dropDerivationAttrs` are all optional and allow to tune which attribute is added or removed from the final call to `mkDerivation`.

@ -9572,8 +9572,8 @@
githubId = 14816024;
name = "oxalica";
keys = [{
longkeyid = "rsa4096/0xCED392DE0C483D00";
fingerprint = "5CB0 E9E5 D5D5 71F5 7F54 0FEA CED3 92DE 0C48 3D00";
longkeyid = "ed25519/0x7571654CF88E31C2";
fingerprint = "F90F FD6D 585C 2BA1 F13D E8A9 7571 654C F88E 31C2";
oxij = {

@ -12,12 +12,12 @@ let
if extension == "zip" then fetchzip args else fetchurl args;
pname = "1password-cli";
version = "2.1.0";
version = "2.2.0";
sources = rec {
aarch64-linux = fetch "linux_arm64" "sha256-DTYWqhawyAQBIxMUksZheyN8WSVPyhCghZC8orxKsBk=" "zip";
i686-linux = fetch "linux_386" "sha256-JBjiKxbJnFILSOVnOUIcY3GpbOT2UOJlasTSPRyYz4I=" "zip";
x86_64-linux = fetch "linux_amd64" "sha256-PfVOvUF8Rls29VzfIj1U6/VFv1H6lj2K3Dz6DWmh2fs=" "zip";
aarch64-darwin = fetch "apple_universal" "sha256-Cn3/+Dvk5hW9rvxu4I9ghHSS1yWSAeQq3gx+6dvFiIk=" "pkg";
aarch64-linux = fetch "linux_arm64" "sha256-fKW2qSQkkC4GcnHcLLszX1pcqK67SaofVX017/cIkD0=" "zip";
i686-linux = fetch "linux_386" "sha256-TmQ3nWG12DTpAJaxbK+hnJak0RrFhhw6rJWfV7q8wb4=" "zip";
x86_64-linux = fetch "linux_amd64" "sha256-66kFScxPmy4WgK9p1W6qBoAeYJwungHgGkTurjEJy+4=" "zip";
aarch64-darwin = fetch "apple_universal" "sha256-DD1j093SjnaPtkQ4XuU1zkRi6XPXtwnBxiqC6wZbV+w=" "pkg";
x86_64-darwin = aarch64-darwin;
platforms = builtins.attrNames sources;

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "element-desktop",
"productName": "Element",
"main": "lib/electron-main.js",
"version": "1.10.11",
"version": "1.10.12",
"description": "A feature-rich client for",
"author": "Element",
"repository": {
@ -81,11 +81,11 @@
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"tar": "^6.1.2",
"ts-node": "^10.4.0",
"typescript": "^4.5.3"
"typescript": "4.5.5"
"hakDependencies": {
"matrix-seshat": "^2.3.0",
"keytar": "^5.6.0"
"matrix-seshat": "^2.3.3",
"keytar": "^7.9.0"
"build": {
"appId": "",

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"version": "1.10.11",
"desktopSrcHash": "n74KFmHI6ZQWBEJCR55VZHS//myh2RePcJRVOmZ6XHo=",
"desktopYarnHash": "0jm0i1yyfkg1ll11pb3qif1vdxx6rp0yl9kd8jg9nhsg2jzw66pr",
"webHash": "02m64bhg1ls4a5igmizkkxnqfmbfhs0xy24ycr75vxmn0zmwa3yd"
"version": "1.10.12",
"desktopSrcHash": "K1p/+dZRtKb+AiU2EcikAsmiTIKPw0zaVzAfUDzsYZY=",
"desktopYarnHash": "09ri87ynfgxrv22sykggiy6nlcf20qwj7zj9qq0rz3c2acr6g9mn",
"webHash": "1m7pvliymyggg6qx8gj6l3j2f4rml0km1vmk1zdspxa4l6p0qxd8"

@ -70,9 +70,10 @@ let
{ case = range "8.7" "8.10"; out = ocamlPackages_4_09; }
{ case = range "8.5" "8.6"; out = ocamlPackages_4_05; }
] ocamlPackages_4_12;
ocamlNativeBuildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.ocaml ocamlPackages.findlib ]
ocamlNativeBuildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.ocaml ]
++ optional (coqAtLeast "8.14") ocamlPackages.dune_2;
ocamlBuildInputs = []
ocamlPropagatedNativeBuildInputs = [ ocamlPackages.findlib ];
ocamlPropagatedBuildInputs = [ ]
++ optional (!coqAtLeast "8.10") ocamlPackages.camlp5
++ optional (!coqAtLeast "8.13") ocamlPackages.num
++ optional (coqAtLeast "8.13") ocamlPackages.zarith;
@ -82,7 +83,8 @@ self = stdenv.mkDerivation {
passthru = {
inherit coq-version;
inherit ocamlPackages ocamlBuildInputs ocamlNativeBuildInputs;
inherit ocamlPackages ocamlNativeNuildInputs;
inherit ocamlPropagatedBuildInputs ocamlPropagatedNativeBuildInputs;
# For compatibility
inherit (ocamlPackages) ocaml camlp5 findlib num ;
emacsBufferSetup = pkgs: ''
@ -136,13 +138,16 @@ self = stdenv.mkDerivation {
++ optional buildIde copyDesktopItems
++ optional (buildIde && coqAtLeast "8.10") wrapGAppsHook
++ optional (!coqAtLeast "8.6") gnumake42;
buildInputs = [ ncurses ] ++ ocamlBuildInputs
buildInputs = [ ncurses ]
++ optionals buildIde
(if coqAtLeast "8.10"
then [ ocamlPackages.lablgtk3-sourceview3 glib gnome.adwaita-icon-theme ]
else [ ocamlPackages.lablgtk ])
propagatedNativeBuildInputs = ocamlPropagatedNativeBuildInputs;
propagatedBuildInputs = ocamlPropagatedBuildInputs;
postPatch = ''
UNAME=$(type -tp uname)
RM=$(type -tp rm)

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ lib, stdenv, coqPackages, coq, fetchzip }@args:
{ lib, stdenv, coqPackages, coq, which, fetchzip }@args:
let lib = import ./extra-lib.nix {inherit (args) lib;}; in
with builtins; with lib;
@ -15,8 +15,12 @@ in
releaseRev ? (v: v),
displayVersion ? {},
release ? {},
buildInputs ? [],
nativeBuildInputs ? [],
extraBuildInputs ? [],
extraNativeBuildInputs ? [],
overrideBuildInputs ? [],
overrideNativeBuildInputs ? [],
namePrefix ? [ "coq" ],
enableParallelBuilding ? true,
extraInstallFlags ? [],
@ -35,7 +39,11 @@ let
args-to-remove = foldl (flip remove) ([
"version" "fetcher" "repo" "owner" "domain" "releaseRev"
"displayVersion" "defaultVersion" "useMelquiondRemake"
"release" "extraBuildInputs" "extraNativeBuildInputs" "extraPropagatedBuildInputs" "namePrefix"
"buildInputs" "nativeBuildInputs"
"extraBuildInputs" "extraNativeBuildInputs"
"overrideBuildInputs" "overrideNativeBuildInputs"
"meta" "useDune2ifVersion" "useDune2" "opam-name"
"extraInstallFlags" "setCOQBIN" "mlPlugin"
"dropAttrs" "dropDerivationAttrs" "keepAttrs" ] ++ dropAttrs) keepAttrs;
@ -57,9 +65,16 @@ let
] "") + optionalString (v == null) "-broken";
append-version = p: n: p + display-pkg n "" coqPackages.${n}.version + "-";
prefix-name = foldl append-version "" namePrefix;
var-coqlib-install =
(optionalString (versions.isGe "8.7" coq.coq-version || coq.coq-version == "dev") "COQMF_") + "COQLIB";
useDune2 = args.useDune2 or (useDune2ifVersion fetched.version);
coqlib-flags = switch coq.coq-version [
{ case = v: versions.isLe "8.6" v && v != "dev" ;
out = [ "COQLIB=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ]; }
] [ "COQLIBINSTALL=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/user-contrib"
docdir-flags = switch coq.coq-version [
{ case = v: versions.isLe "8.6" v && v != "dev";
out = [ "DOCDIR=$(out)/share/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ]; }
] [ "COQDOCINSTALL=$(out)/share/coq/${coq.coq-version}/user-contrib" ];
stdenv.mkDerivation (removeAttrs ({
@ -68,12 +83,12 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (removeAttrs ({
inherit (fetched) version src;
nativeBuildInputs = [ coq ]
++ optionals useDune2 [coq.ocaml coq.ocamlPackages.dune_2]
++ optionals mlPlugin coq.ocamlNativeBuildInputs
++ extraNativeBuildInputs;
buildInputs = optionals mlPlugin coq.ocamlBuildInputs
++ extraBuildInputs;
nativeBuildInputs = args.overrideNativeBuildInputs
or ([ which ] ++ optional useDune2 coq.ocamlPackages.dune_2
++ optional (useDune2 || mlPlugin) coq.ocaml
++ (args.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ extraNativeBuildInputs);
buildInputs = args.overrideBuildInputs
or ([ coq ] ++ (args.buildInputs or []) ++ extraBuildInputs);
inherit enableParallelBuilding;
meta = ({ platforms = coq.meta.platforms; } //
@ -88,9 +103,7 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation (removeAttrs ({
// (optionalAttrs setCOQBIN { COQBIN = "${coq}/bin/"; })
// (optionalAttrs (!args?installPhase && !args?useMelquiondRemake) {
installFlags =
[ "${var-coqlib-install}=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ] ++
optional (match ".*doc$" (args.installTargets or "") != null)
"DOCDIR=$(out)/share/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ++
[ "DESTDIR=$(out)" ] ++ coqlib-flags ++ docdir-flags ++
// (optionalAttrs useDune2 {

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."1.4.0".rev = "168c6b86c7d3f87ee51791f795a8828b1521589a";
release."1.4.0".sha256 = "1d2whsgs3kcg5wgampd6yaqagcpmzhgb6a0hp6qn4lbimck5dfmm";
extraBuildInputs = [ bignums ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ bignums ];
enableParallelBuilding = false;
meta = {

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."20170921".rev = "e3557740a699167e6adb1a65855509d55a392fa1";
release."20170921".sha256 = "0zwfp8g62b50vmmbb2kmskj3v6w7qx1pbf43yw0hr7asdz2zbx5v";
extraBuildInputs = [ autoconf automake ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf automake ];
preConfigure = ''
patchShebangs ./

@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ let recent = lib.versions.isGe "8.7" coq.coq-version; in
"substituteInPlace Makefile --replace quickChickTool.byte quickChickTool.native";
mlPlugin = true;
extraNativeBuildInputs = lib.optional recent coq.ocamlPackages.ocamlbuild;
extraBuildInputs = lib.optional recent coq.ocamlPackages.num;
nativeBuildInputs = lib.optional recent coq.ocamlPackages.ocamlbuild;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ssreflect ]
++ lib.optionals recent [ coq-ext-lib simple-io ];
extraInstallFlags = [ "-f Makefile.coq" ];

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ mkCoqDerivation {
release."2.9".sha256 = "sha256:1adwzbl1pprrrwrm7cm493098fizxanxpv7nyfbvwdhgbhcnv6qf";
release."2.8".sha256 = "sha256-cyK88uzorRfjapNQ6XgQEmlbWnDsiyLve5po1VG52q0=";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
extraBuildInputs = [ ITree ];
buildInputs = [ ITree ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ compcert ];
preConfigure = ''

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
owner = "coq";
displayVersion = { bignums = ""; };
inherit version;
defaultVersion = if versions.isGe "8.5" coq.coq-version
defaultVersion = if versions.isGe "8.6" coq.coq-version
then "${coq.coq-version}.0" else null;
release."8.15.0".sha256 = "093klwlhclgyrba1iv18dyz1qp5f0lwiaa7y0qwvgmai8rll5fns";

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
{ lib, fetchzip, mkCoqDerivation, coq, flocq, compcert
, ocamlPackages, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, coq2html
, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, coq2html
, stdenv, tools ?
, version ? null
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ let compcert = mkCoqDerivation rec {
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
defaultVersion = with versions; switch coq.version [
{ case = range "8.8" "8.11"; out = "3.8"; }
{ case = range "8.13" "8.15"; out = "3.10"; }
{ case = isEq "8.12" ; out = "3.9"; }
{ case = range "8.12" "8.15"; out = "3.10"; }
{ case = range "8.8" "8.11"; out = "3.8"; }
] null;
release = {
@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ let compcert = mkCoqDerivation rec {
"3.10".sha256 = "sha256:19rmx8r8v46101ij5myfrz60arqjy7q3ra3fb8mxqqi3c8c4l4j6";
mlPlugin = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [ ocaml findlib menhir menhirLib ] ++ [ coq coq2html ];
buildInputs = with coq.ocamlPackages; [ menhir menhirLib ] ++ [ coq2html ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ flocq ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
@ -48,9 +49,13 @@ let compcert = mkCoqDerivation rec {
installTargets = "documentation install";
installFlags = []; # trust ./configure
preInstall = ''
mkdir -p $out/share/man
mkdir -p $man/share
postInstall = ''
# move man into place
mkdir -p $man/share
mv $out/share/man/ $man/share/
# move docs into place

@ -1,34 +1,18 @@
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, coq, mathcomp, version ? null }:
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, coq, mathcomp-algebra, version ? null }:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
pname = "coq-bits";
repo = "bits";
inherit version;
defaultVersion =
if versions.isGe "8.10" coq.version
then "1.1.0"
else if versions.isGe "8.7" coq.version
then "1.0.0"
else null;
defaultVersion = with versions; switch coq.coq-version [
{ case = isGe "8.10"; out = "1.1.0"; }
{ case = isGe "8.7"; out = "1.0.0"; }
] null;
release = {
"1.0.0" = {
rev = "1.0.0";
sha256 = "0nv5mdgrd075dpd8bc7h0xc5i95v0pkm0bfyq5rj6ii1s54dwcjl";
"1.1.0" = {
rev = "1.1.0";
sha256 = "sha256-TCw1kSXeW0ysIdLeNr+EGmpGumEE9i8tinEMp57UXaE=";
extraBuildInputs = [ mathcomp.ssreflect mathcomp.fingroup ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ mathcomp.algebra ];
release."1.1.0".sha256 = "sha256-TCw1kSXeW0ysIdLeNr+EGmpGumEE9i8tinEMp57UXaE=";
release."1.0.0".sha256 = "0nv5mdgrd075dpd8bc7h0xc5i95v0pkm0bfyq5rj6ii1s54dwcjl";
installPhase = ''
make -f Makefile CoqMakefile
make -f CoqMakefile COQLIB=$out/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/ install
propagatedBuildInputs = [ mathcomp-algebra ];
meta = {
description = "A formalization of bitset operations in Coq";

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ with builtins; with lib; let
{ case = "8.13"; out = { version = "1.13.7"; };}
{ case = "8.14"; out = { version = "1.13.7"; };}
{ case = "8.15"; out = { version = "1.14.1"; };}
] {});
] { version = "1.14.1"; } );
in mkCoqDerivation {
pname = "elpi";
repo = "coq-elpi";
@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ in mkCoqDerivation {
release."1.6.0".sha256 = "0kf99i43mlf750fr7fric764mm495a53mg5kahnbp6zcjcxxrm0b";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which elpi ];
mlPlugin = true;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ elpi ];
meta = {
description = "Coq plugin embedding ELPI.";

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
{ coq, mkCoqDerivation, mathcomp, bignums, paramcoq, multinomials,
lib, which, version ? null }:
lib, version ? null }:
with lib;
@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ with lib;
release."1.0.4".sha256 = "1g5m26lr2lwxh6ld2gykailhay4d0ayql4bfh0aiwqpmmczmxipk";
release."1.0.3".sha256 = "0hc63ny7phzbihy8l7wxjvn3haxx8jfnhi91iw8hkq8n29i23v24";
extraBuildInputs = [ which ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ mathcomp.algebra bignums paramcoq multinomials ];
meta = {

@ -28,8 +28,10 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."1.3-coq8.12".sha256 = "1q1y3cwhd98pkm98g71fsdjz85bfwgcz2xn7s7wwmiraifv5l6z8";
release."1.3-coq8.11".sha256 = "08zf8qfna7b9p2myfaz4g7bas3a1q1156x78n5isqivlnqfrjc1b";
release."1.3-coq8.10".sha256 = "1fj8497ir4m79hyrmmmmrag01001wrby0h24wv6525vz0w5py3cd";
release."1.1.1-coq8.9".sha256 = "1knjmz4hr8vlp103j8n4fyb2lfxysnm512gh3m2kp85n6as6fvb9";
release."1.1-coq8.8".sha256 = "0ms086wp4jmrzyglb8wymchzyflflk01nsfsk4r6qv8rrx81nx9h";
release."1.1.1-coq8.9" = { sha256 = "1knjmz4hr8vlp103j8n4fyb2lfxysnm512gh3m2kp85n6as6fvb9";
rev = "f8b4d81a213aa1f25afbe53c7c9ca1b15e3d42bc"; };
release."1.1-coq8.8" = { sha256 = "0ms086wp4jmrzyglb8wymchzyflflk01nsfsk4r6qv8rrx81nx9h";
rev = "c3cb54b4d5f33fab372d33c7189861368a08fa22"; };
release."1.3.1-coq8.13".version = "1.3.1";
release."1.3.1-coq8.12".version = "1.3.1";

@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."8.7.2".sha256 = "15zlcrx06qqxjy3nhh22wzy0rb4npc8l4nx2bbsfsvrisbq1qb7k";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
extraBuildInputs = [ which ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ bignums ];
meta = with lib; {

@ -14,9 +14,7 @@ mkCoqDerivation {
release."8.14".sha256 = "sha256:1k8f8idjnx0mf4z479vcx55iz42rjxrbplbznv80m2famxakq03c";
release."20201124".rev = "5c22c3d7dcd8cf4c47cf84a281780f5915488e9e";
release."20201124".sha256 = "sha256-wd+Lh7dpAD4zfpyKuztDmSFEZo5ZiFrR8ti2jUCVvoQ=";
extraNativeBuildInputs = with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocaml findlib ];
mlPlugin = true;
meta = {
license = licenses.lgpl3Only;
maintainers = [ maintainers.siraben ];

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, which, autoconf,
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, autoconf,
coq, ssreflect, version ? null }:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."3.0.2".sha256 = "1rqfbbskgz7b1bcpva8wh3v3456sq2364y804f94sc8y5sij23nl";
releaseRev = v: "coquelicot-${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which autoconf ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ ssreflect ];
useMelquiondRemake.logpath = "Coquelicot";

@ -39,9 +39,9 @@ mkCoqDerivation {
release."0.6".sha256 = "0qvar8gfbrcs9fmvkph5asqz4l5fi63caykx3bsn8zf0xllkwv0n";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook ];
mlPlugin = true;
extraBuildInputs = [ coq.ocamlPackages.ocamlgraph ];
buildInputs = [ coq.ocamlPackages.ocamlgraph ];
# uses deprecated
# Versions prior to 0.6.5 do not have the WARN_ERR build flag

@ -8,10 +8,10 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation rec {
inherit version;
defaultVersion = if coq.coq-version == "8.5" then "2016-10-24" else null;
release."2016-10-24".rev = "7feb6c64be9ebcc05924ec58fe1463e73ec8206a";
release."2016-10-24".sha256 = "0griqc675yylf9rvadlfsabz41qy5f5idya30p5rv6ysiakxya64";
release."2016-10-24".sha256 = "16y57vibq3f5i5avgj80f4i3aw46wdwzx36k5d3pf3qk17qrlrdi";
mlPlugin = true;
extraBuildInputs = [ python27 ];
buildInputs = [ python27 ];
prePatch = "patchShebangs etc/coq-scripts";

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ lib, which, autoconf, automake,
{ lib, bash, autoconf, automake,
mkCoqDerivation, coq, version ? null }:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."2.6.1".sha256 = "0q5a038ww5dn72yvwn5298d3ridkcngb1dik8hdyr3xh7gr5qibj";
releaseRev = v: "flocq-${v}";
nativeBuildInputs = [ which autoconf ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ bash autoconf ];
mlPlugin = true;
useMelquiondRemake.logpath = "Flocq";

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."1.4.4".sha256 = "114q2hgw64j6kqa9mg3qcp1nlf0ia46z2xadq81fnkxqm856ml7l";
releaseRev = v: "gappalib-coq-${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which autoconf ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf ];
mlPlugin = true;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ flocq ];
useMelquiondRemake.logpath = "Gappa";

@ -1,22 +1,26 @@
{lib, fetchzip, mkCoqDerivation, coq, version ? null }:
let fetcher = {rev, repo, owner, sha256, domain, ...}:
fetchzip {
url = "https://${domain}/${owner}/${repo}/download/${repo}-${rev}.zip";
inherit sha256;
}; in
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
pname = "heq";
repo = "Heq";
owner = "gil";
domain = "";
owner = "gil.hur";
domain = "";
inherit version fetcher;
defaultVersion = if versions.isLt "8.8" coq.coq-version then "0.92" else null;
release."0.92".sha256 = "0cf8y6728n81wwlbpq3vi7l2dbzi7759klypld4gpsjjp1y1fj74";
mlPlugin = true;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ coq ];
extraInstallFlags = [ "COQLIB=$out/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}" ];
preBuild = "cd src";
extraInstallFlags = [ "COQLIB=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ];
meta = {
homepage = "";
homepage = "";
description = "Heq : a Coq library for Heterogeneous Equality";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ jwiegley ];

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, which, coq, coq-elpi, version ? null }:
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, coq, coq-elpi, version ? null }:
with lib; let hb = mkCoqDerivation {
pname = "hierarchy-builder";
@ -17,13 +17,10 @@ with lib; let hb = mkCoqDerivation {
release."0.10.0".sha256 = "1a3vry9nzavrlrdlq3cys3f8kpq3bz447q8c4c7lh2qal61wb32h";
releaseRev = v: "v${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ coq-elpi ];
mlPlugin = true;
installFlags = [ "DESTDIR=$(out)" "COQMF_COQLIB=lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}" ];
extraInstallFlags = [ "VFILES=structures.v" ];
meta = {

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, which, autoconf, coq, coquelicot, flocq, mathcomp-ssreflect, mathcomp-fingroup, bignums ? null, gnuplot_qt, version ? null }:
{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, autoconf, coq, coquelicot, flocq,
mathcomp-ssreflect, mathcomp-fingroup, bignums ? null, gnuplot_qt, version ? null }:
mkCoqDerivation rec {
pname = "interval";
@ -20,8 +21,9 @@ mkCoqDerivation rec {
release."3.3.0".sha256 = "0lz2hgggzn4cvklvm8rpaxvwaryf37i8mzqajqgdxdbd8f12acsz";
releaseRev = v: "interval-${v}";
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which autoconf ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ bignums coquelicot flocq mathcomp-ssreflect mathcomp-fingroup ]
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf ];
propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optional (lib.versions.isGe "8.6" coq.coq-version) bignums
++ [ coquelicot flocq mathcomp-ssreflect mathcomp-fingroup ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versions.isGe "4.2.0" defaultVersion) [ gnuplot_qt ];
useMelquiondRemake.logpath = "Interval";
mlPlugin = true;

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ mkCoqDerivation rec {
] null;
mlPlugin = true;
extraNativeBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocamlbuild ]);
nativeBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocamlbuild ]);
enableParallelBuilding = false;
meta = {

@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."0.1-8.7".rev = "v0.1-8.7";
release."0.1-8.7".sha256 = "0l6wiwi4cvd0i324fb29i9mdh0ijlxzggw4mrjjy695l2qdnlgg0";
nativeBuildInputs = [ which ];
mlPlugin = true;
meta = {

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."8.13.0".sha256 = "1ln7ziivfbxzbdvlhbvyg3v30jgblncmwcsam6gg3d1zz6r7cbby";
release."8.15.0".sha256 = "10w1hm537k6jx8a8vghq1yx12rsa0sjk2ipv3scgir71ln30hllw";
extraBuildInputs = [ bignums ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ bignums ];
meta = {
homepage = "";

@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
# See the documentation at doc/languages-frameworks/ #
{ lib, ncurses, which, graphviz, lua, fetchzip,
{ lib, ncurses, graphviz, lua, fetchzip,
mkCoqDerivation, recurseIntoAttrs, withDoc ? false, single ? false,
coqPackages, coq, ocamlPackages, version ? null }@args:
coqPackages, coq, version ? null }@args:
with builtins // lib;
repo = "math-comp";
@ -60,8 +60,9 @@ let
inherit version pname defaultVersion release releaseRev repo owner;
mlPlugin = versions.isLe "8.6" coq.coq-version;
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which ] ++ optionals withDoc [ graphviz lua ];
extraBuildInputs = [ ncurses ] ++ mathcomp-deps;
nativeBuildInputs = optionals withDoc [ graphviz lua ];
buildInputs = [ ncurses ];
propagatedBuildInputs = mathcomp-deps;
buildFlags = optional withDoc "doc";

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ lib, which, fetchzip,
{ lib, fetchzip,
mkCoqDerivation, recurseIntoAttrs, single ? false,
coqPackages, coq, equations, version ? null }@args:
with builtins // lib;
@ -36,10 +36,8 @@ let
derivation = mkCoqDerivation ({
inherit version pname defaultVersion release releaseRev repo owner;
extraNativeBuildInputs = [ which ];
mlPlugin = true;
extraBuildInputs = [ coq.ocamlPackages.zarith ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ equations ] ++ metacoq-deps;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ equations coq.ocamlPackages.zarith ] ++ metacoq-deps;
patchPhase = ''
patchShebangs ./

@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
release."8.10".sha256 = "0wbypc05d2lqfm9qaw98ynr5yc1p0ipsvyc3bh1rk9nz7zwirmjs";
sourceRoot = "source/Metalib";
installFlags = "COQMF_COQLIB=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}";
meta = {
license =;

@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ mkCoqDerivation rec {
] null;
mlPlugin = true;
extraNativeBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocamlbuild ]);
extraBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ num ]);
nativeBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocamlbuild ]);
propagatedBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ num ]);
postPatch = ''
for p in Make Makefile.coq.local

@ -11,11 +11,9 @@ with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
] null;
release."1.7.0".sha256 = "sha256:1a1q9x2abx71hqvjdai3n12jxzd49mhf3nqqh3ya2ssl2lj609ci";
release."1.3.0".sha256 = "1yp7ca36jyl9kz35ghxig45x6cd0bny2bpmy058359p94wc617ax";
extraNativeBuildInputs = (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ cppo zarith ]);
propagatedBuildInputs = [ coq-ext-lib ]
++ (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocaml ocamlbuild ]);
mlPlugin = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ coq.ocamlPackages.cppo ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ coq-ext-lib coq.ocamlPackages.ocamlbuild ];
doCheck = true;
checkTarget = "test";

@ -13,9 +13,11 @@ mkCoqDerivation {
{ case = isEq "8.13"; out = "itp22"; }
] null;
propagatedBuildInputs = [ trakt cvc4 ] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ veriT ];
extraNativeBuildInputs = with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocaml ocamlbuild ];
extraBuildInputs = with coq.ocamlPackages; [ findlib num zarith ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ trakt cvc4 ]
++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ veriT ]
++ (with coq.ocamlPackages; [ num zarith ]);
mlPlugin = true;
nativeBuildInputs = with coq.ocamlPackages; [ ocamlbuild ];
meta = {
description = "Communication between Coq and SAT/SMT solvers ";

@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchzip, buildDunePackage, camlp5
{ stdenv, lib, fetchzip, bash
, buildDunePackage, camlp5
, re, perl, ncurses
, ppxlib, ppx_deriving
, ppxlib_0_15, ppx_deriving_0_15
, coqPackages
, version ? "1.14.1"
with lib;
let fetched = import ../../../build-support/coq/meta-fetch/default.nix
{inherit lib stdenv fetchzip; } ({
let fetched = coqPackages.metaFetch ({
release."1.14.1".sha256 = "sha256-BZPVL8ymjrE9kVGyf6bpc+GA2spS5JBpkUtZi04nPis=";
release."1.13.7".sha256 = "10fnwz30bsvj7ii1vg4l1li5pd7n0qqmwj18snkdr5j9gk0apc1r";
release."1.13.5".sha256 = "02a6r23mximrdvs6kgv6rp0r2dgk7zynbs99nn7lphw2c4189kka";
@ -32,6 +33,11 @@ buildDunePackage rec {
else [ ppxlib_0_15 ppx_deriving_0_15 ]
patchPhase = ''
sed -e "s/SHELL:=/SHELL?=/" -i Makefile || true
buildPhase = "SHELL=${bash} make build";
meta = {
description = "Embeddable λProlog Interpreter";
license = licenses.lgpl21Plus;

@ -32,5 +32,8 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
description = "Mapbox SDK for Python";
longDescription = "Low-level client API for Mapbox web services.";
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ersin ];
# ImportError: cannot import name 'Mapping' from 'collections'
# and archived upstreamed
broken = true;

@ -1,10 +1,14 @@
{ lib, buildPythonPackage, fetchFromGitHub, callPackage, setuptools, cffi
, paramiko, requests, future, textfsm, jinja2, netaddr, pyyaml, pyeapi, netmiko
, junos-eznc, ciscoconfparse, scp, lxml, ncclient, pytestCheckHook, ddt, mock }:
, junos-eznc, ciscoconfparse, scp, lxml, ncclient, pytestCheckHook, ddt, mock
, pythonOlder, pythonAtLeast }:
buildPythonPackage rec {
pname = "napalm";
version = "3.3.1";
format = "setuptools";
disabled = pythonOlder "3.6" || pythonAtLeast "3.9";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "napalm-automation";

@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ buildPythonPackage rec {
meta = with lib; {
description = "A unittest-based testing framework for python that makes writing and running tests easier";
homepage = "";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.lgpl3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
, lockfile
, cachecontrol
, decorator
, h5py
, ipython
, matplotlib
, natsort
@ -19,18 +20,18 @@
buildPythonPackage rec {
version = "0.5.6";
version = "0.5.7";
pname = "scikit-bio";
disabled = !isPy3k;
src = fetchPypi {
inherit pname version;
sha256 = "48b73ec53ce0ff2c2e3e05f3cfcf93527c1525a8d3e9dd4ae317b4219c37f0ea";
sha256 = "sha256-Y0PKDGIeL8xdHAQsi+MgBmTFMllWqDvqdRzxvMddHak=";
buildInputs = [ cython ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ cython ];
checkInputs = [ coverage ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lockfile cachecontrol decorator ipython matplotlib natsort numpy pandas scipy hdmedians scikit-learn ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ lockfile cachecontrol decorator ipython matplotlib natsort numpy pandas scipy h5py hdmedians scikit-learn ];
# cython package not included for tests
doCheck = false;

@ -166,6 +166,6 @@ rustPlatform.buildRustPackage {
* Dependency-free so that the runtime library (which is written in pure C) can be embedded in any application
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ Profpatsch ];
maintainers = with maintainers; [ Profpatsch oxalica ];

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
"url": "",
"rev": "5b6ae1f88e741b9ed738891ad1362fb9f2041671",
"date": "2022-03-23T15:50:46-04:00",
"path": "/nix/store/n5kjbimssqrwz7h99gq83935432dpm5s-tree-sitter-c-sharp",
"sha256": "1yp1lyzay7hxlgca2r5yigpdy80vli4f48k2bm3h2rpa99fczmrb",
"rev": "fcb2b6f7cb8ab8584d390aa266b0d2df7cbd1fd5",
"date": "2022-05-01T16:44:38+01:00",
"path": "/nix/store/5kwbva55mi975kqkjrw3jya98cb8i07d-tree-sitter-c-sharp",
"sha256": "0xdbh1n1mnglfxn16can69c3sr4ibc37v85vh7ckljcjgqhikfi9",
"fetchLFS": false,
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"rev": "6a25376685d1d47968c2cef06d4db8d84a70025e",
"date": "2021-06-04T09:39:40-06:00",
"path": "/nix/store/vdygn1702kn92k222kygk9i50h10z9km-tree-sitter-dart",
"sha256": "0z06sphmgjggx5j2rjfy3f85fh1m9s79sql8a7d4kvsamz9rwakl",
"rev": "f95876f0ed3ef207bbd3c5c41987bc2e9cecfc97",
"date": "2022-05-07T10:16:06-07:00",
"path": "/nix/store/aad6q85ni1rp22jkc0n8mhlhjq7pm794-tree-sitter-dart",
"sha256": "0iaa37g5z927dvlxla0nidl9n2hvpsw97b5ffi7w1hq9d4m6rc7i",
"fetchLFS": false,
"fetchSubmodules": false,
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"rev": "ec1c4cac1b2f0290c53511a72fbab17c47815d2b",
"date": "2022-04-18T23:16:26+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/2jmkl3lxq6cy0cg4wjf3hgjciw0xsm0y-tree-sitter-elixir",
"sha256": "0xiprldyfqpx5fil1b1kbnpj57n7j15j3m8dhibhif7azbd1z1y3",
"rev": "5d0c1bfcdf8aaad225525acad930a972b319a675",
"date": "2022-04-28T11:17:48-05:00",
"path": "/nix/store/a3vks004yjn7pb80nppdyq0k18wm3myc-tree-sitter-elixir",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"date": "2022-03-29T10:06:48+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/f9vy5q9p3rf2dcp7zdw9708j138ibi36-tree-sitter-go",
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"rev": "372d3241b099e189406475a9445cbb29dac2e054",
"date": "2022-04-28T20:49:46+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/ylm4blh7lw1ac3ym9i69gbbs1cc5vmcs-tree-sitter-go",
"sha256": "0cmw37lgpfrw82kg9mcx7kgxnnvdydagbwckqv418zbh2xv881jf",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"date": "2022-03-20T00:05:14+01:00",
"path": "/nix/store/wzkfkix4q3vcrlsj2v4q32ihw0vdp1li-tree-sitter-haskell",
"sha256": "19g5f59gh6s4xpphrppmrqlh0nfld0q8zffy85pkby4gd6xh73zm",
"rev": "ff5c879d9b75f4e6930d7f687d458f707945ad78",
"date": "2022-05-07T17:45:16+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/2pnp7kazxg1sp0anf4by99f27d7z0p64-tree-sitter-haskell",
"sha256": "0aa960150wli4hnv64jrl4gqvlgchc3y44bx4d7i53ygn9cdkl12",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"date": "2022-05-06T09:01:49-07:00",
"path": "/nix/store/w5dy2r99rbzpmg0icwil5j9cp37l9hkk-tree-sitter-html",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"date": "2022-04-16T15:36:51+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/55br93464adchwwjwdqjai8ppykwh098-tree-sitter-java",
"sha256": "0w27xk9j7mm9gr5aiwcv6cgfvzfnps0l9b09mwfqxhndh7j96vfn",
"rev": "39a11c8330d0b2ad75310456c378396785f79a4e",
"date": "2022-04-28T20:50:54+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/w2hi6yvm3z4cy3bignphb9c2gf6fpnnq-tree-sitter-java",
"sha256": "0im81m2wb35n7rgmraf7p5ql6lvr7m9y4krgmkvgqkxnbkw7zcr0",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"date": "2022-04-23T15:10:18+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/qpc37mjsl75qnmyzbkw6azphwzfdr9n9-tree-sitter-latex",
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"rev": "3b370b5ca3948312738b4f27b2a12e4bb58907a2",
"date": "2022-05-11T20:22:05+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/l1nja32pv92awd5jnksi3wfd29mqxvkd-tree-sitter-latex",
"sha256": "0a4ks4ng02qivxr7h1izhc55791czba2r82ngi7a9l0smdxa9yv7",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"rev": "d24196f9b3e5af6fcb2ec2a0b6cbc5c06f58b85e",
"date": "2022-03-30T11:47:57+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/rdac46kl274bdd18bdrdh33s71sin7xd-tree-sitter-markdown",
"sha256": "07i3zwjla74s61w39fqfmb5a61dw6xlgfagh70p1rpvyrpxsywds",
"rev": "6d112e7a9c1694504bb78ee0b92dcd509625e0df",
"date": "2022-04-26T12:23:01+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/598nrwznzg37r9pskrmzwnhrw3f4knnw-tree-sitter-markdown",
"sha256": "03d601dp65p30c88p0r6rx13wlkbg1q3ch11wfn4sa2rhba8zpyk",
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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
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"rev": "fab7af32a2719091df5b222f98099c566859de78",
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"date": "2022-05-09T16:17:13-07:00",
"path": "/nix/store/q802q124fq79wwr6m4xfcdmgw6fzjigw-tree-sitter-scala",
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"date": "2022-04-16T20:12:40+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/rw6cjm4vj4yihlfmrxa2vc81lr3x59rn-tree-sitter-viml",
"sha256": "0vga1bivzkr00brzvv309hx7sqvg7y2kf6vx0s8hv9r56x6nm54s",
"rev": "4b9d2dda6de64fe5abc9bf96b5727ba73ed08515",
"date": "2022-05-07T11:41:23+02:00",
"path": "/nix/store/zm2pfjv3fn2qg6iy1s03mn5kjawsy3qg-tree-sitter-viml",
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@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ lib, stdenv, callPackage, newScope, recurseIntoAttrs, ocamlPackages_4_05, ocamlPackages_4_09
{ lib, stdenv, fetchzip
, callPackage, newScope, recurseIntoAttrs, ocamlPackages_4_05, ocamlPackages_4_09
, ocamlPackages_4_10, ocamlPackages_4_12, fetchpatch, makeWrapper, coq2html
let lib = import ../build-support/coq/extra-lib.nix {inherit (args) lib;}; in
@ -8,6 +9,8 @@ let
inherit coq lib;
coqPackages = self;
metaFetch = import ../build-support/coq/meta-fetch/default.nix
{inherit lib stdenv fetchzip; };
mkCoqDerivation = callPackage ../build-support/coq {};
contribs = recurseIntoAttrs
