Merge pull request #157106 from lheckemann/better-error-for-bad-buildinputs

stdenv/make-derivation: check that all inputs are of an appropriate type
Linus Heckemann 2 years ago committed by GitHub
commit 676e4d42d6
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 32

@ -193,6 +193,12 @@ let
else lib.subtractLists hardeningDisable (defaultHardeningFlags ++ hardeningEnable);
# hardeningDisable additionally supports "all".
erroneousHardeningFlags = lib.subtractLists supportedHardeningFlags (hardeningEnable ++ lib.remove "all" hardeningDisable);
checkDependencyList = checkDependencyList' [];
checkDependencyList' = positions: name: deps: lib.flip lib.imap1 deps (index: dep:
if lib.isDerivation dep || isNull dep || builtins.typeOf dep == "string" || builtins.typeOf dep == "path" then dep
else if lib.isList dep then checkDependencyList' ([index] ++ positions) name dep
else throw "Dependency is not of a valid type: ${lib.concatMapStrings (ix: "element ${toString ix} of ") ([index] ++ positions)}${name} for ${ or attrs.pname}");
in if builtins.length erroneousHardeningFlags != 0
then abort ("mkDerivation was called with unsupported hardening flags: " + lib.generators.toPretty {} {
inherit erroneousHardeningFlags hardeningDisable hardeningEnable supportedHardeningFlags;
@ -208,34 +214,34 @@ else let
dependencies = map (map lib.chooseDevOutputs) [
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildBuild or drv) depsBuildBuild)
(map (drv: drv.nativeDrv or drv) nativeBuildInputs
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildBuild or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsBuildBuild" depsBuildBuild))
(map (drv: drv.nativeDrv or drv) (checkDependencyList "nativeBuildInputs" nativeBuildInputs
++ lib.optional separateDebugInfo' ../../build-support/setup-hooks/
++ lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isWindows ../../build-support/setup-hooks/
++ lib.optionals doCheck checkInputs
++ lib.optionals doInstallCheck' installCheckInputs)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildTarget or drv) depsBuildTarget)
++ lib.optionals doInstallCheck' installCheckInputs))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildTarget or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsBuildTarget" depsBuildTarget))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.hostHost or drv) depsHostHost)
(map (drv: drv.crossDrv or drv) buildInputs)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.hostHost or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsHostHost" depsHostHost))
(map (drv: drv.crossDrv or drv) (checkDependencyList "buildInputs" buildInputs))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.targetTarget or drv) depsTargetTarget)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.targetTarget or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsTargetTarget" depsTargetTarget))
propagatedDependencies = map (map lib.chooseDevOutputs) [
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildBuild or drv) depsBuildBuildPropagated)
(map (drv: drv.nativeDrv or drv) propagatedNativeBuildInputs)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildTarget or drv) depsBuildTargetPropagated)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildBuild or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsBuildBuildPropagated" depsBuildBuildPropagated))
(map (drv: drv.nativeDrv or drv) (checkDependencyList "propagatedNativeBuildInputs" propagatedNativeBuildInputs))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.buildTarget or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsBuildTargetPropagated" depsBuildTargetPropagated))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.hostHost or drv) depsHostHostPropagated)
(map (drv: drv.crossDrv or drv) propagatedBuildInputs)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.hostHost or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsHostHostPropagated" depsHostHostPropagated))
(map (drv: drv.crossDrv or drv) (checkDependencyList "propagatedBuildInputs" propagatedBuildInputs))
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.targetTarget or drv) depsTargetTargetPropagated)
(map (drv: drv.__spliced.targetTarget or drv) (checkDependencyList "depsTargetTargetPropagated" depsTargetTargetPropagated))
