apngasm: 3.1.9 -> 3.1.10

3.1.9 had issues with building and 3.1.10 has been released fixing
those; a parallel building error has been found and it is fixed on
Gentoo repository, from where we grab the patch from.

Log of error: https://hydra.nixos.org/log/6nh56zf7y81p0m6xxynw22wj1kaxrjbd-apngasm-3.1.9.drv
Refs: ZHF: #172160
Signed-off-by: Otavio Salvador <otavio@ossystems.com.br>
Otavio Salvador 2 years ago
parent 5a68a4274d
commit 7565c2e455
  1. 16

@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, cmake, boost, libpng, zlib }:
{ lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, cmake, boost, libpng, zlib }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "apngasm";
version = "3.1.9";
version = "3.1.10";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = pname;
repo = pname;
rev = "d50bfb0cf14c376f4cfb94eb91c61d795a76b715"; # not tagged, but in debian/changelog
sha256 = "0pk0r8x1950pm6j3d5wgryvy3ldm7a9gl59jmnwnjmg1sf9mzf97";
rev = "f105b2d6024ef3113bb407d68e27e476a17fa998";
sha256 = "sha256-lTk2sTllKHRUaWPPEkC4qU5K10oRaLrdWBgN4MUGKeo=";
patches = [
# Fix parallel build and avoid static linking of binary.
(fetchpatch {
url = "https://gitweb.gentoo.org/repo/gentoo.git/plain/media-gfx/apngasm/files/apngasm-3.1.10-static.patch?id=45fd0cde71ca2ae0e7e38ab67400d84b86b593d7";
sha256 = "sha256-eKthgInWxXEqN5PupvVf9wVQDElxsPYRFXT7pMc6vIU=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ];
buildInputs = [ boost libpng zlib ];
