open-policy-agent: 0.38.1 -> 0.40.0

06kellyjac 2 years ago
parent 74c9d7985b
commit 78ebec1448
  1. 17

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
{ lib
, stdenv
, buildGoModule
, fetchFromGitHub
, installShellFiles
@ -6,15 +7,17 @@
, enableWasmEval ? false
assert enableWasmEval && stdenv.isDarwin -> builtins.throw "building with wasm on darwin is failing in nixpkgs";
buildGoModule rec {
pname = "open-policy-agent";
version = "0.38.1";
version = "0.40.0";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "open-policy-agent";
repo = "opa";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-x8mSlZ2X0DdkhaW5QXs5axERJkwARu8tHueQHXfamXM=";
sha256 = "sha256-rLfo2SUlxL6QFc2v+nxFnbyYcfy7i3OFhGt6ZAUteHY=";
vendorSha256 = null;
@ -35,12 +38,13 @@ buildGoModule rec {
# Feed in all but the e2e tests for testing
# This is because subPackages above limits what is built to just what we
# want but also limits the tests
# Also avoid wasm tests on darwin due to wasmtime-go build issues
getGoDirs() {
go list ./... | grep -v e2e
go list ./... | grep -v -e e2e ${lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin "-e wasm"}
# Remove test case that fails on < go1.17
rm test/cases/testdata/cryptox509parsecertificates/test-cryptox509parsecertificates-0123.yaml
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
# resolve "too many open files" errors during the tests on darwin
ulimit -n 1024
postInstall = ''
@ -66,6 +70,7 @@ buildGoModule rec {
meta = with lib; {
mainProgram = "opa";
homepage = "";
changelog = "${version}/";
description = "General-purpose policy engine";
