nixos/acme: Incorporate review suggestions

Lucas Savva 3 years ago
parent 92a3a37153
commit a01df7dc46
  1. 13

@ -63,15 +63,16 @@ let
# exist and have the correct user and group, since group
# is configurable on a per-cert basis.
userMigrationService = let
script = with builtins; concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (cert: data: ''
script = with builtins; ''
chown -R acme .lego/accounts
'' + (concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (cert: data: ''
for fixpath in ${escapeShellArg cert} .lego/${escapeShellArg cert}; do
if [ -d "$fixpath" ]; then
chmod -R u=rwX,g=rX,o= "$fixpath"
chown -R acme:${} "$fixpath"
'') certConfigs);
'') certConfigs));
in {
description = "Fix owner and group of all ACME certificates";
@ -704,6 +705,14 @@ in {
}) certConfigs;
# Create targets to limit the number of simultaneous account creations
# How it works:
# - Pick a "leader" cert service, which will be in charge of creating the account,
# and run first (requires + after)
# - Make all other cert services sharing the same account wait for the leader to
# finish before starting (requiredBy + before).
# Using a target here is fine - account creation is a one time event. Even if
# systemd clean --what=state is used to delete the account, so long as the user
# then runs one of the cert services, there won't be any issues.
accountTargets = mapAttrs' (hash: confs: let
leader = "acme-${(builtins.head confs).cert}.service";
dependantServices = map (conf: "acme-${conf.cert}.service") (builtins.tail confs);
