Use make-disk-image.nix for VirtualBox images

Eelco Dolstra 9 years ago
parent f596f0323f
commit b3347287be
  1. 6
  2. 112

@ -19,6 +19,9 @@
# /etc/nixos/configuration.nix.
configFile ? null
, # Shell code executed after the VM has finished.
postVM ? ""
with lib;
@ -35,6 +38,7 @@ pkgs.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
buildInputs = [ pkgs.utillinux pkgs.perl pkgs.e2fsprogs pkgs.parted ];
exportReferencesGraph =
[ "closure" ];
inherit postVM;
${if partitioned then ''
@ -68,6 +72,7 @@ pkgs.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
mkdir -p /mnt/nix/store
echo "copying everything (will take a while)..."
set -f
cp -prd $storePaths /mnt/nix/store/
# Register the paths in the Nix database.
@ -94,6 +99,7 @@ pkgs.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
# Generate the GRUB menu.
ln -s vda /dev/xvda
ln -s vda /dev/sda
chroot /mnt ${}/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
umount /mnt/proc /mnt/dev /mnt/sys

@ -11,93 +11,37 @@ in {
options = {
virtualbox = {
baseImageSize = mkOption {
type = types.str;
default = "10G";
type =;
default = 10 * 1024;
description = ''
The size of the VirtualBox base image. The size string should be on
a format the qemu-img command accepts.
The size of the VirtualBox base image in MiB.
config = { =
pkgs.vmTools.runInLinuxVM (
pkgs.runCommand "virtualbox-image"
{ memSize = 768;
preVM =
mkdir $out
${pkgs.vmTools.qemu}/bin/qemu-img create -f raw $diskImage "${cfg.baseImageSize}"
mv closure xchg/
postVM =
echo "creating VirtualBox disk image..."
${pkgs.vmTools.qemu}/bin/qemu-img convert -f raw -O vdi $diskImage $out/disk.vdi
rm $diskImage
buildInputs = [ pkgs.utillinux pkgs.perl ];
exportReferencesGraph =
[ "closure" ]; = import ../../lib/make-disk-image.nix {
inherit pkgs lib config;
partitioned = true;
diskSize = cfg.baseImageSize;
configFile = pkgs.writeText "configuration.nix"
imports = [ <nixpkgs/nixos/modules/virtualisation/virtualbox-image.nix> ];
# Create a single / partition.
${pkgs.parted}/sbin/parted /dev/vda mklabel msdos
${pkgs.parted}/sbin/parted /dev/vda -- mkpart primary ext2 1M -1s
. /sys/class/block/vda1/uevent
mknod /dev/vda1 b $MAJOR $MINOR
# Create an empty filesystem and mount it.
${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/sbin/mkfs.ext4 -L nixos /dev/vda1
${pkgs.e2fsprogs}/sbin/tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 /dev/vda1
mkdir /mnt
mount /dev/vda1 /mnt
# The initrd expects these directories to exist.
mkdir /mnt/dev /mnt/proc /mnt/sys
mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
# Copy all paths in the closure to the filesystem.
storePaths=$(perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} /tmp/xchg/closure)
echo "filling Nix store..."
mkdir -p /mnt/nix/store
set -f
cp -prd $storePaths /mnt/nix/store/
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nix
echo 'build-users-group = ' > /mnt/etc/nix/nix.conf
# Register the paths in the Nix database.
printRegistration=1 perl ${pkgs.pathsFromGraph} /tmp/xchg/closure | \
chroot /mnt ${config.nix.package}/bin/nix-store --load-db
# Create the system profile to allow nixos-rebuild to work.
chroot /mnt ${config.nix.package}/bin/nix-env \
-p /nix/var/nix/profiles/system --set ${}
# `nixos-rebuild' requires an /etc/NIXOS.
mkdir -p /mnt/etc/nixos
touch /mnt/etc/NIXOS
# `switch-to-configuration' requires a /bin/sh
mkdir -p /mnt/bin
ln -s ${}/bin/sh /mnt/bin/sh
# Generate the GRUB menu.
ln -s vda /dev/sda
chroot /mnt ${}/bin/switch-to-configuration boot
umount /mnt/proc /mnt/dev /mnt/sys
umount /mnt
postVM =
echo "creating VirtualBox disk image..."
${pkgs.vmTools.qemu}/bin/qemu-img convert -f raw -O vdi $diskImage $out/disk.vdi
rm $diskImage
}; = pkgs.runCommand "virtualbox-ova"
{ buildInputs = [ pkgs.linuxPackages.virtualbox ];
vmName = "NixOS ${config.system.nixosVersion} (${pkgs.stdenv.system})";
@ -118,17 +62,17 @@ in {
VBoxManage storagectl "$vmName" --name SATA --add sata --portcount 4 --bootable on --hostiocache on
VBoxManage storageattach "$vmName" --storagectl SATA --port 0 --device 0 --type hdd \
--medium ${}/disk.vdi
echo "exporting VirtualBox VM..."
mkdir -p $out
VBoxManage export "$vmName" --output "$out/$fileName"
fileSystems."/".device = "/dev/disk/by-label/nixos";
boot.loader.grub.version = 2;
boot.loader.grub.device = "/dev/sda";
virtualisation.virtualbox.guest.enable = true;
