profanity: remove useless nulls

Artturin 2 years ago
parent 14a9590751
commit bab661ab2b
  1. 17
  2. 2

@ -18,21 +18,14 @@
, pkg-config
, readline
, sqlite
, autoAwaySupport ? true, libXScrnSaver ? null, libX11
, autoAwaySupport ? true, libXScrnSaver, libX11
, notifySupport ? true, libnotify, gdk-pixbuf
, omemoSupport ? true, libsignal-protocol-c, libgcrypt
, pgpSupport ? true, gpgme
, pythonPluginSupport ? true, python
, traySupport ? true, gtk
, pythonPluginSupport ? true, python3
, traySupport ? true, gtk3
assert autoAwaySupport -> libXScrnSaver != null && libX11 != null;
assert notifySupport -> libnotify != null && gdk-pixbuf != null;
assert traySupport -> gtk != null;
assert pgpSupport -> gpgme != null;
assert pythonPluginSupport -> python != null;
assert omemoSupport -> libsignal-protocol-c != null && libgcrypt != null;
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "profanity";
version = "0.12.0";
@ -75,8 +68,8 @@ stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
++ lib.optionals notifySupport [ libnotify gdk-pixbuf ]
++ lib.optionals omemoSupport [ libsignal-protocol-c libgcrypt ]
++ lib.optionals pgpSupport [ gpgme ]
++ lib.optionals pythonPluginSupport [ python ]
++ lib.optionals traySupport [ gtk ];
++ lib.optionals pythonPluginSupport [ python3 ]
++ lib.optionals traySupport [ gtk3 ];
# Enable feature flags, so that build fail if libs are missing
configureFlags = [

@ -29012,8 +29012,6 @@ with pkgs;
procmail = callPackage ../applications/misc/procmail { };
profanity = callPackage ../applications/networking/instant-messengers/profanity ({
gtk = gtk3;
python = python3;
} // (config.profanity or {}));
properties-cpp = callPackage ../development/libraries/properties-cpp { };
