website: adding two draft article outlines

These are mostly not fleshed out, but I thought I'd write them
down. Maybe I'll develop them later.

Note to self: there was a third article I wanted to write, but I can't
remember what it was called 😅
Katharina Fey 4 years ago
parent f9d70258db
commit eaf889ee80
  1. 15
  2. 13

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
Title: Endless growth is cancer
Category: Blog
Date: 2020-01-01
Tags: culture
Status: Draft
Our culture primes us to think about growth as a necessity. Growth is
framed in politics as a good thing, something to be desired. This
shapes people, and they project this perceived necessity onto
everything they work on.
* Why do open source projects have to grow?
* Do people realise what growth means? (downsides that aren't
* Breaking the culture of growth

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Title: There is no prisoners dilemma
Category: Blog
Date: 2020-01-01
Tags: culture, politics, game theory
Status: Draft
* Explain the prisoners dilemma
* Talk a bit about the game theory aspects of it
* Crime, Police, and Comradery
* People who commit crimes together have to trust each other
* This model depends on a view of crime that fundamentally
misunderstands it