Merge pull request #173623 from xaverdh/xmonad-fix-example

nixos/xmonad: adjust to reflect v0.17.0 update of xmonad
sternenseemann 2 years ago committed by GitHub
commit f181d591ce
No known key found for this signature in database
  1. 9
  2. 4
  3. 33

@ -516,6 +516,15 @@
<literal>(ghc.withPackages.override { useLLVM = true; }) (p: [])</literal>.
The update of the haskell package set brings with it a new
version of the <literal>xmonad</literal> module, which will
break your configuration if you use <literal>launch</literal>
as entrypoint. The example code the corresponding nixos module
was adjusted, you way want to have a look at it.
The <literal>home-assistant</literal> module now requires

@ -163,6 +163,10 @@ In addition to numerous new and upgraded packages, this release has the followin
`useLLVM`. So instead of `(ghc.withPackages (p: [])).override { withLLVM = true; }`,
one needs to use `(ghc.withPackages.override { useLLVM = true; }) (p: [])`.
- The update of the haskell package set brings with it a new version of the `xmonad`
module, which will break your configuration if you use `launch` as entrypoint. The
example code the corresponding nixos module was adjusted, you way want to have a look at it.
- The `home-assistant` module now requires users that don't want their
configuration to be managed declaratively to set
`services.home-assistant.config = null;`. This is required

@ -128,33 +128,34 @@ in {
[ ( (mod4Mask,xK_r), compileRestart True)
, ( (mod4Mask,xK_q), restart "xmonad" True ) ]
compileRestart resume = do
dirs <- asks directories
whenX (recompile dirs True) $ do
when resume writeStateToFile
( do
args <- getArgs
executeFile (cacheDir dirs </> compiledConfig) False args Nothing
main = getDirectories >>= launch myConfig
{- version 0.17.0 -}
{- For versions before 0.17.0 use this instead -}
-- compileRestart resume =
-- dirs <- io getDirectories
-- whenX (recompile dirs True) $
-- whenX (recompile True) $
-- when resume writeStateToFile
-- *> catchIO
-- ( do
-- dir <- getXMonadDataDir
-- args <- getArgs
-- executeFile (cacheDir dirs </> compiledConfig) False args Nothing
-- executeFile (dir </> compiledConfig) False args Nothing
-- )
-- main = getDirectories >>= launch myConfig
-- main = launch myConfig
compileRestart resume =
whenX (recompile True) $
when resume writeStateToFile
*> catchIO
( do
dir <- getXMonadDataDir
args <- getArgs
executeFile (dir </> compiledConfig) False args Nothing
main = launch myConfig
