{ resholve , lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , bash , coreutils , gnugrep , ncurses , findutils , hostname , parallel , flock , ps , bats , lsof , doInstallCheck ? true }: resholve.mkDerivation rec { pname = "bats"; version = "1.7.0"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "bats-core"; repo = "bats-core"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-joNne/dDVCNtzdTQ64rK8GimT+DOWUa7f410hml2s8Q="; }; patchPhase = '' patchShebangs . ''; installPhase = '' ./install.sh $out ''; solutions = { bats = { scripts = [ "bin/bats" "libexec/bats-core/*" "lib/bats-core/*" ]; interpreter = "${bash}/bin/bash"; inputs = [ bash coreutils gnugrep ncurses findutils hostname parallel flock "lib/bats-core" "libexec/bats-core" ]; fake = { external = [ "greadlink" "shlock" ]; }; fix = { "$BATS_ROOT" = [ "${placeholder "out"}" ]; "$BATS_LIBEXEC" = [ "${placeholder "out"}/libexec/bats-core" ]; }; keep = { "${placeholder "out"}/libexec/bats-core/bats" = true; source = [ "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/validator.bash" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/preprocessing.bash" "$BATS_TEST_SOURCE" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/tracing.bash" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/test_functions.bash" "$library_load_path" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/common.bash" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/semaphore.bash" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/formatter.bash" "${placeholder "out"}/lib/bats-core/warnings.bash" "$setup_suite_file" # via cli arg ]; "$report_formatter" = true; "$formatter" = true; "$pre_command" = true; "$BATS_TEST_NAME" = true; "${placeholder "out"}/libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-test" = true; }; execer = [ /* both blatant lies for expedience; these can certainly exec args they may be safe here, because they may always run things that are ultimately in libexec? TODO: handle parallel and flock in binlore/resholve */ "cannot:${parallel}/bin/parallel" "cannot:${flock}/bin/flock" "cannot:libexec/bats-core/bats-preprocess" # these do exec, but other internal files "cannot:libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-file" "cannot:libexec/bats-core/bats-exec-suite" ]; }; }; passthru.tests.upstream = bats.unresholved.overrideAttrs (old: { name = "${bats.name}-tests"; dontInstall = true; # just need the build directory installCheckInputs = [ ncurses parallel # skips some tests if it can't detect flock # skips some tests if it can't detect ps ] ++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ lsof ]; inherit doInstallCheck; installCheckPhase = '' # TODO: cut if https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core/issues/418 allows sed -i '/test works even if PATH is reset/a skip "disabled for nix build"' test/bats.bats # skip tests that assume bats `install.sh` will be in BATS_ROOT rm test/root.bats # test generates file with absolute shebang dynamically substituteInPlace test/install.bats --replace \ "/usr/bin/env bash" "${bash}/bin/bash" ${bats}/bin/bats test touch $out ''; }); meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core"; description = "Bash Automated Testing System"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ abathur ]; license = licenses.mit; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }