{ lib , fetchurl , fetchpatch , nixosTests , python3 , ghostscript , imagemagick , jbig2enc , optipng , pngquant , qpdf , tesseract4 , unpaper , liberation_ttf }: let py = python3.override { packageOverrides = self: super: { django = super.django_3; # Incompatible with aioredis 2 aioredis = super.aioredis.overridePythonAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { version = "1.3.1"; src = oldAttrs.src.override { inherit version; sha256 = "0fi7jd5hlx8cnv1m97kv9hc4ih4l8v15wzkqwsp73is4n0qazy0m"; }; }); }; }; path = lib.makeBinPath [ ghostscript imagemagick jbig2enc optipng pngquant qpdf tesseract4 unpaper ]; in py.pkgs.pythonPackages.buildPythonApplication rec { pname = "paperless-ngx"; version = "1.6.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/paperless-ngx/paperless-ngx/releases/download/ngx-${version}/${pname}-${version}.tar.xz"; sha256 = "07mrxbwahkm00n9nvssd6d13p80w333g84cd38bzp0l34nzim5zl"; }; format = "other"; propagatedBuildInputs = with py.pkgs.pythonPackages; [ aioredis arrow asgiref async-timeout attrs autobahn automat blessed certifi cffi channels-redis channels chardet click coloredlogs concurrent-log-handler constantly cryptography daphne dateparser django-cors-headers django-extensions django-filter django-picklefield django-q django djangorestframework filelock fuzzywuzzy gunicorn h11 hiredis httptools humanfriendly hyperlink idna imap-tools img2pdf incremental inotify-simple inotifyrecursive joblib langdetect lxml msgpack numpy ocrmypdf pathvalidate pdfminer pikepdf pillow pluggy portalocker psycopg2 pyasn1-modules pyasn1 pycparser pyopenssl python-dateutil python-dotenv python-gnupg python-Levenshtein python-magic pytz pyyaml redis regex reportlab requests scikit-learn scipy service-identity six sortedcontainers sqlparse threadpoolctl tika tqdm twisted.extras.tls txaio tzlocal urllib3 uvicorn uvloop watchdog watchgod wcwidth websockets whitenoise whoosh zope_interface ]; # Compile manually because `pythonRecompileBytecodeHook` only works for # files in `python.sitePackages` postBuild = '' ${py.interpreter} -OO -m compileall src ''; installPhase = '' mkdir -p $out/lib cp -r . $out/lib/paperless-ngx chmod +x $out/lib/paperless-ngx/src/manage.py makeWrapper $out/lib/paperless-ngx/src/manage.py $out/bin/paperless-ngx \ --prefix PYTHONPATH : "$PYTHONPATH" \ --prefix PATH : "${path}" ''; checkInputs = with py.pkgs.pythonPackages; [ pytest-django pytest-env pytest-sugar pytest-xdist factory_boy pytestCheckHook ]; pytestFlagsArray = [ "src" ]; # The tests require: # - PATH with runtime binaries # - A temporary HOME directory for gnupg # - XDG_DATA_DIRS with test-specific fonts preCheck = '' export PATH="${path}:$PATH" export HOME=$(mktemp -d) export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${liberation_ttf}/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS" # Disable unneeded code coverage test substituteInPlace src/setup.cfg \ --replace "--cov --cov-report=html" "" ''; passthru = { # PYTHONPATH of all dependencies used by the package pythonPath = python3.pkgs.makePythonPath propagatedBuildInputs; inherit path; tests = { inherit (nixosTests) paperless; }; }; meta = with lib; { description = "A supercharged version of paperless: scan, index, and archive all of your physical documents"; homepage = "https://paperless-ngx.readthedocs.io/en/latest/"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with maintainers; [ lukegb ]; }; }