{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , genBytecode ? false , bqn-path ? null , mbqn-source ? null }: let cbqn-bytecode-files = fetchFromGitHub { name = "cbqn-bytecode-files"; owner = "dzaima"; repo = "CBQN"; rev = "c39653c898531a2cdbf4cc5c764df6e37b1894a4"; hash = "sha256-JCEmkwh5Rv5+NQoxvefSrYnayU892/Wam+gjMgcQmO0="; }; in assert genBytecode -> ((bqn-path != null) && (mbqn-source != null)); stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "cbqn" + lib.optionalString (!genBytecode) "-standalone"; version = "0.pre+date=2022-05-06"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "dzaima"; repo = "CBQN"; rev = "3496a939b670f8c9ca2a04927378d6b7e9abd68e"; hash = "sha256-P+PoY4XF9oEw7VIpmybvPp+jxWHEo2zt1Lamayf1mHg="; }; dontConfigure = true; postPatch = '' sed -i '/SHELL =.*/ d' makefile ''; makeFlags = [ "CC=${stdenv.cc.targetPrefix}cc" ]; preBuild = '' # Purity: avoids git downloading bytecode files touch src/gen/customRuntime '' + (if genBytecode then '' ${bqn-path} genRuntime ${mbqn-source} '' else '' cp ${cbqn-bytecode-files}/src/gen/{compiles,formatter,runtime0,runtime1,src} src/gen/ ''); installPhase = '' runHook preInstall mkdir -p $out/bin/ cp BQN -t $out/bin/ # note guard condition for case-insensitive filesystems [ -e $out/bin/bqn ] || ln -s $out/bin/BQN $out/bin/bqn [ -e $out/bin/cbqn ] || ln -s $out/bin/BQN $out/bin/cbqn runHook postInstall ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://github.com/dzaima/CBQN/"; description = "BQN implementation in C"; license = licenses.gpl3Plus; maintainers = with maintainers; [ AndersonTorres sternenseemann synthetica shnarazk ]; platforms = platforms.all; }; } # TODO: version cbqn-bytecode-files # TODO: test suite