{ lib , stdenv , cmake , openmw , fetchFromGitHub , formats , luajit , makeWrapper , symlinkJoin , mygui , crudini , bullet }: # revisions are taken from https://github.com/GrimKriegor/TES3MP-deploy let # raknet could also be split into dev and lib outputs raknet = stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "raknet"; version = "unstable-2018-07-14"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "TES3MP"; repo = "CrabNet"; # usually fixed: # https://github.com/GrimKriegor/TES3MP-deploy/blob/d2a4a5d3acb64b16d9b8ca85906780aeea8d311b/tes3mp-deploy.sh#L589 rev = "4eeeaad2f6c11aeb82070df35169694b4fb7b04b"; sha256 = "0p0li9l1i5lcliswm5w9jql0zff9i6fwhiq0bl130m4i7vpr4cr3"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake ]; installPhase = '' install -Dm555 lib/libRakNetLibStatic.a $out/lib/libRakNetLibStatic.a ''; }; coreScripts = stdenv.mkDerivation { pname = "corescripts"; version = "unstable-2020-07-27"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "TES3MP"; repo = "CoreScripts"; # usually latest in stable branch (e.g. 0.7.1) rev = "3c2d31595344db586d8585db0ef1fc0da89898a0"; sha256 = "sha256-m/pt2Et58HOMc1xqllGf4hjPLXNcc14+X0h84ouZDeg="; }; buildCommand = '' dir=$out/share/openmw-tes3mp mkdir -p $dir cp -r $src $dir/CoreScripts ''; }; # build an unwrapped version so we don't have to rebuild it all over again in # case the scripts or wrapper scripts change. unwrapped = openmw.overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: rec { pname = "openmw-tes3mp-unwrapped"; version = "unstable-2020-08-07"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "TES3MP"; repo = "openmw-tes3mp"; # usually latest in stable branch (e.g. 0.7.1) rev = "ce5df6d18546e37aac9746d99c00d27a7f34b00d"; sha256 = "sha256-xLslShNA6rVFl9kt6BNGDpSYMpO25jBTCteLJoSTXdg="; }; nativeBuildInputs = oldAttrs.nativeBuildInputs ++ [ makeWrapper ]; buildInputs = (builtins.map (x: if x.pname or "" == "bullet" then bullet else x) oldAttrs.buildInputs) ++ [ luajit ]; cmakeFlags = oldAttrs.cmakeFlags ++ [ "-DBUILD_OPENCS=OFF" "-DRakNet_INCLUDES=${raknet.src}/include" "-DRakNet_LIBRARY_RELEASE=${raknet}/lib/libRakNetLibStatic.a" "-DRakNet_LIBRARY_DEBUG=${raknet}/lib/libRakNetLibStatic.a" ]; prePatch = '' substituteInPlace components/process/processinvoker.cpp \ --replace "\"./\"" "\"$out/bin/\"" ''; # https://github.com/TES3MP/openmw-tes3mp/issues/552 patches = oldAttrs.patches ++ [ ./tes3mp.patch ]; NIX_CFLAGS_COMPILE = "-fpermissive"; preConfigure = '' substituteInPlace files/version.in \ --subst-var-by OPENMW_VERSION_COMMITHASH ${src.rev} ''; # move everything that we wrap out of the way postInstall = '' mkdir -p $out/libexec mv $out/bin/tes3mp-* $out/libexec ''; meta = with lib; { description = "Multiplayer for TES3:Morrowind based on OpenMW"; homepage = "https://tes3mp.com/"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; maintainers = with maintainers; [ peterhoeg ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" "i686-linux" ]; broken = true; }; }); cfgFile = (formats.ini { }).generate "tes3mp-server.cfg" { Plugins.home = "${coreScripts}/share/openmw-tes3mp/CoreScripts"; }; in symlinkJoin rec { name = "openmw-tes3mp-${unwrapped.version}"; inherit (unwrapped) version meta; nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ]; paths = [ unwrapped ]; # crudini --merge will create the file if it doesn't exist postBuild = '' mkdir -p $out/bin dir=\''${XDG_CONFIG_HOME:-\$HOME/.config}/openmw makeWrapper ${unwrapped}/libexec/tes3mp-browser $out/bin/tes3mp-browser \ --chdir "$out/bin" makeWrapper ${unwrapped}/libexec/tes3mp-server $out/bin/tes3mp-server \ --run "mkdir -p $dir" \ --run "${crudini}/bin/crudini --merge $dir/${cfgFile.name} < ${cfgFile}" \ --chdir "$out/bin" ''; }