{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, fetchpatch, pkg-config, libusb1, libyubikey, json_c }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "yubikey-personalization"; version = "1.20.0"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-personalization/Releases/ykpers-${version}.tar.gz"; sha256 = "14wvlwqnwj0gllkpvfqiy8ns938bwvjsz8x1hmymmx32m074vj0f"; }; patches = [ # remove after updating to next release (fetchpatch { name = "json-c-0.14-support.patch"; url = "https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-personalization/commit/0aa2e2cae2e1777863993a10c809bb50f4cde7f8.patch"; sha256 = "1wnigf3hbq59i15kgxpq3pwrl1drpbj134x81mmv9xm1r44cjva8"; }) # Pull upstream fix for -fno-common toolchain support: # https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-personalization/issues/155 (fetchpatch { name = "fno-common.patch"; url = "https://github.com/Yubico/yubikey-personalization/commit/09ea16d9e2030e4da6ad00c1e5147e962aa7ff84.patch"; sha256 = "0n3ka8n7f3ndbxv3k0bi77d850kr2ypglkw81gqycpqyaciidqwa"; }) ]; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ libusb1 libyubikey json_c ]; configureFlags = [ "--with-backend=libusb-1.0" ]; doCheck = true; postInstall = '' # Don't use 70-yubikey.rules because it depends on ConsoleKit install -D -t $out/lib/udev/rules.d 69-yubikey.rules ''; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://developers.yubico.com/yubikey-personalization"; description = "A library and command line tool to personalize YubiKeys"; license = licenses.bsd2; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }