{ stdenv, lib, callPackage, buildMozillaMach }: let librewolf-src = callPackage ./librewolf.nix { }; in (buildMozillaMach rec { pname = "librewolf"; binaryName = "librewolf"; version = librewolf-src.packageVersion; src = librewolf-src.firefox; inherit (librewolf-src) extraConfigureFlags extraPostPatch extraPassthru; meta = { description = "A fork of Firefox, focused on privacy, security and freedom"; homepage = "https://librewolf.net/"; maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ squalus ]; platforms = lib.platforms.unix; badPlatforms = lib.platforms.darwin; broken = stdenv.buildPlatform.is32bit; # since Firefox 60, build on 32-bit platforms fails with "out of memory". # not in `badPlatforms` because cross-compilation on 64-bit machine might work. maxSilent = 14400; # 4h, double the default of 7200s (c.f. #129212, #129115) license = lib.licenses.mpl20; }; updateScript = callPackage ./update.nix { attrPath = "librewolf-unwrapped"; }; }).override { crashreporterSupport = false; enableOfficialBranding = false; pgoSupport = false; # Profiling gets stuck and doesn't terminate. }