{ lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchFromGitHub , beautifulsoup4 , geojson , lxml , matplotlib , numpy , pandas , ujson , xarray }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "osmpythontools"; version = "0.3.4"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "mocnik-science"; repo = "osm-python-tools"; rev = "v${version}"; sha256 = "sha256-7r42b/B9h7cMgM+wFS0Fink/3WjUNvz+PwLn3C5hawc="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ beautifulsoup4 geojson lxml matplotlib numpy pandas ujson xarray ]; # tests touch network doCheck = false; pythonImportsCheck = [ "OSMPythonTools" "OSMPythonTools.api" "OSMPythonTools.data" "OSMPythonTools.element" "OSMPythonTools.nominatim" "OSMPythonTools.overpass" ]; meta = with lib; { description = "A library to access OpenStreetMap-related services"; longDescription = '' The python package OSMPythonTools provides easy access to OpenStreetMap-related services, among them an Overpass endpoint, Nominatim, and the OpenStreetMap editing API. ''; homepage = "https://github.com/mocnik-science/osm-python-tools"; license = licenses.gpl3Only; changelog = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mocnik-science/osm-python-tools/v${version}/version-history.md"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ das-g ]; }; }