# FUSE {#sec-fuse} Some packages rely on [FUSE](https://www.kernel.org/doc/html/latest/filesystems/fuse.html) to provide support for additional filesystems not supported by the kernel. In general, FUSE software are primarily developed for Linux but many of them can also run on macOS. Nixpkgs supports FUSE packages on macOS, but it requires [macFUSE](https://osxfuse.github.io) to be installed outside of Nix. macFUSE currently isn't packaged in Nixpkgs mainly because it includes a kernel extension, which isn't supported by Nix outside of NixOS. If a package fails to run on macOS with an error message similar to the following, it's a likely sign that you need to have macFUSE installed. dyld: Library not loaded: /usr/local/lib/libfuse.2.dylib Referenced from: /nix/store/w8bi72bssv0bnxhwfw3xr1mvn7myf37x-sshfs-fuse-2.10/bin/sshfs Reason: image not found [1] 92299 abort /nix/store/w8bi72bssv0bnxhwfw3xr1mvn7myf37x-sshfs-fuse-2.10/bin/sshfs Package maintainers may often encounter the following error when building FUSE packages on macOS: checking for fuse.h... no configure: error: No fuse.h found. This happens on autoconf based projects that uses `AC_CHECK_HEADERS` or `AC_CHECK_LIBS` to detect libfuse, and will occur even when the `fuse` package is included in `buildInputs`. It happens because libfuse headers throw an error on macOS if the `FUSE_USE_VERSION` macro is undefined. Many proejcts do define `FUSE_USE_VERSION`, but only inside C source files. This results in the above error at configure time because the configure script would attempt to compile sample FUSE programs without defining `FUSE_USE_VERSION`. There are two possible solutions for this problem in Nixpkgs: 1. Pass `FUSE_USE_VERSION` to the configure script by adding `CFLAGS=-DFUSE_USE_VERSION=25` in `configureFlags`. The actual value would have to match the definition used in the upstream source code. 2. Remove `AC_CHECK_HEADERS` / `AC_CHECK_LIBS` for libfuse. However, a better solution might be to fix the build script upstream to use `PKG_CHECK_MODULES` instead. This approach wouldn't suffer from the problem that `AC_CHECK_HEADERS`/`AC_CHECK_LIBS` has at the price of introducing a dependency on pkg-config.