{ stdenv, lib, callPackage, fetchurl, fetchpatch, nixosTests }: let common = opts: callPackage (import ../../browsers/firefox/common.nix opts) { webrtcSupport = false; geolocationSupport = false; }; in rec { thunderbird = (common rec { pname = "thunderbird"; version = "91.9.0"; application = "comm/mail"; binaryName = pname; src = fetchurl { url = "mirror://mozilla/thunderbird/releases/${version}/source/thunderbird-${version}.source.tar.xz"; sha512 = "474b5aca9c5e54fdc72eebff938f0d217bc039c3ac8d1caf965fb61bd1cf349f389a1df751a525de567a1eeabd7bb1bf2246014e84c7aab89edce059fe2e72d1"; }; extraPatches = [ # The file to be patched is different from firefox's `no-buildconfig-ffx90.patch`. ./no-buildconfig.patch ]; meta = with lib; { description = "A full-featured e-mail client"; homepage = "https://thunderbird.net/"; maintainers = with maintainers; [ eelco lovesegfault pierron vcunat ]; platforms = platforms.unix; badPlatforms = platforms.darwin; broken = stdenv.buildPlatform.is32bit; # since Firefox 60, build on 32-bit platforms fails with "out of memory". # not in `badPlatforms` because cross-compilation on 64-bit machine might work. license = licenses.mpl20; }; updateScript = callPackage ./update.nix { attrPath = "thunderbird-unwrapped"; }; }).override { pgoSupport = false; # console.warn: feeds: "downloadFeed: network connection unavailable" }; }