{ lib, stdenv , fetchurl , autoreconfHook , docbook_xsl , docbook_xml_dtd_43 , gtk-doc , lzip , libidn2 , libunistring , libxslt , pkg-config , python3 , valgrind , publicsuffix-list }: let enableValgrindTests = !stdenv.isDarwin && lib.meta.availableOn stdenv.hostPlatform valgrind # Apparently valgrind doesn't support some new ARM features on (some) Hydra machines: # VEX: Mismatch detected between RDMA and atomics features. && !stdenv.isAarch64; in stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "libpsl"; version = "0.21.1"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://github.com/rockdaboot/libpsl/releases/download/${version}/libpsl-${version}.tar.lz"; sha256 = "1a9kp2rj71jb9q030lmp3zhy33rqxscawbfzhp288fxvazapahv4"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook docbook_xsl docbook_xml_dtd_43 gtk-doc lzip pkg-config python3 libxslt ] ++ lib.optionals enableValgrindTests [ valgrind ]; buildInputs = [ libidn2 libunistring libxslt ]; propagatedBuildInputs = [ publicsuffix-list ]; postPatch = '' patchShebangs src/psl-make-dafsa ''; preAutoreconf = '' gtkdocize ''; configureFlags = [ # "--enable-gtk-doc" "--enable-man" "--with-psl-distfile=${publicsuffix-list}/share/publicsuffix/public_suffix_list.dat" "--with-psl-file=${publicsuffix-list}/share/publicsuffix/public_suffix_list.dat" "--with-psl-testfile=${publicsuffix-list}/share/publicsuffix/test_psl.txt" ] ++ lib.optionals enableValgrindTests [ "--enable-valgrind-tests" ]; enableParallelBuilding = true; doCheck = true; meta = with lib; { description = "C library for the Publix Suffix List"; longDescription = '' libpsl is a C library for the Publix Suffix List (PSL). A "public suffix" is a domain name under which Internet users can directly register own names. Browsers and other web clients can use it to avoid privacy-leaking "supercookies" and "super domain" certificates, for highlighting parts of the domain in a user interface or sorting domain lists by site. ''; homepage = "https://rockdaboot.github.io/libpsl/"; changelog = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rockdaboot/${pname}/${pname}-${version}/NEWS"; license = licenses.mit; maintainers = [ maintainers.c0bw3b ]; mainProgram = "psl"; platforms = platforms.unix; }; }