{ lib , stdenv , fetchFromGitHub , fetchpatch , pkg-config , libapparmor , which , xdg-dbus-proxy , nixosTests }: stdenv.mkDerivation rec { pname = "firejail"; version = "0.9.68"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "netblue30"; repo = "firejail"; rev = version; sha256 = "18yy1mykx7h78yj7sz729i3dlsrgi25m17m5x9gbrvsx7f87rw7j"; }; nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config ]; buildInputs = [ libapparmor which ]; configureFlags = [ "--enable-apparmor" ]; patches = [ # Adds the /nix directory when using an overlay. # Required to run any programs under this mode. ./mount-nix-dir-on-overlay.patch # By default fbuilder hardcodes the firejail binary to the install path. # On NixOS the firejail binary is a setuid wrapper available in $PATH. ./fbuilder-call-firejail-on-path.patch # NixOS specific whitelist to resolve binary paths in user environment # Fixes https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/170784 # Upstream fix https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/pull/5131 # Upstream hopefully fixed in later versions > 0.9.68 ./whitelist-nix-profile.patch # Fix OpenGL support for various applications including Firefox # Issue: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/55191 # Upstream fix: https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/pull/5132 # Hopefully fixed upstream in version > 0.9.68 ./fix-opengl-support.patch ]; prePatch = '' # Fix the path to 'xdg-dbus-proxy' hardcoded in the 'common.h' file substituteInPlace src/include/common.h \ --replace '/usr/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy' '${xdg-dbus-proxy}/bin/xdg-dbus-proxy' ''; preConfigure = '' sed -e 's@/bin/bash@${stdenv.shell}@g' -i $( grep -lr /bin/bash .) sed -e "s@/bin/cp@$(which cp)@g" -i $( grep -lr /bin/cp .) ''; preBuild = '' sed -e "s@/etc/@$out/etc/@g" -e "/chmod u+s/d" -i Makefile ''; # The profile files provided with the firejail distribution include `.local` # profile files using relative paths. The way firejail works when it comes to # handling includes is by looking target files up in `~/.config/firejail` # first, and then trying `SYSCONFDIR`. The latter normally points to # `/etc/filejail`, but in the case of nixos points to the nix store. This # makes it effectively impossible to place any profile files in # `/etc/firejail`. # # The workaround applied below is by creating a set of `.local` files which # only contain respective includes to `/etc/firejail`. This way # `~/.config/firejail` still takes precedence, but `/etc/firejail` will also # be searched in second order. This replicates the behaviour from # non-nixos platforms. # # See https://github.com/netblue30/firejail/blob/e4cb6b42743ad18bd11d07fd32b51e8576239318/src/firejail/profile.c#L68-L83 # for the profile file lookup implementation. postInstall = '' for local in $(grep -Eh '^include.*local$' $out/etc/firejail/*{.inc,.profile} | awk '{print $2}' | sort | uniq) do echo "include /etc/firejail/$local" >$out/etc/firejail/$local done ''; # At high parallelism, the build sometimes fails with: # bash: src/fsec-optimize/fsec-optimize: No such file or directory enableParallelBuilding = false; passthru.tests = nixosTests.firejail; meta = { description = "Namespace-based sandboxing tool for Linux"; license = lib.licenses.gpl2Plus; maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.raskin ]; platforms = lib.platforms.linux; homepage = "https://firejail.wordpress.com/"; }; }