{ lib , stdenv , aiohttp , asttokens , blinker , botocore , bottle , buildPythonPackage , celery , certifi , chalice , django , executing , fakeredis , falcon , fetchFromGitHub , flask_login , gevent , httpx , iana-etc , isPy3k , jsonschema , libredirect , pure-eval , pyramid , pyspark , pytest-django , pytest-forked , pytest-localserver , pytestCheckHook , pythonOlder , rq , sanic , sanic-testing , sqlalchemy , tornado , trytond , urllib3 , werkzeug , multidict }: buildPythonPackage rec { pname = "sentry-sdk"; version = "1.5.12"; format = "setuptools"; disabled = pythonOlder "3.7"; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "getsentry"; repo = "sentry-python"; rev = version; hash = "sha256-8M0FWfvaGp74Fb+qJlhyiJPUVHN2ZdEleZf27d+bftE="; }; propagatedBuildInputs = [ certifi urllib3 ]; checkInputs = [ aiohttp asttokens blinker botocore bottle celery chalice django executing fakeredis falcon flask_login gevent httpx jsonschema pure-eval pyramid pyspark pytest-django pytest-forked pytest-localserver pytestCheckHook rq sanic sanic-testing sqlalchemy tornado trytond werkzeug multidict ]; doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin; disabledTests = [ # Issue with the asseration "test_auto_enabling_integrations_catches_import_error" # Output mismatch in sqlalchemy test "test_too_large_event_truncated" # Failing falcon tests "test_has_context" "uri_template-" "path-" "test_falcon_large_json_request" "test_falcon_empty_json_request" "test_falcon_raw_data_request" # Failing spark tests "test_set_app_properties" "test_start_sentry_listener" # Failing threading test "test_circular_references" # Failing wsgi tests "test_session_mode_defaults_to_request_mode_in_wsgi_handler" "test_auto_session_tracking_with_aggregates" # Network requests to public web "test_crumb_capture" # TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable TestResponse object "test_rpc_error_page" ]; disabledTestPaths = [ # Some tests are failing (network access, assertion errors) "tests/integrations/aiohttp/" "tests/integrations/gcp/" "tests/integrations/httpx/" "tests/integrations/stdlib/test_httplib.py" # Tests are blocking "tests/integrations/celery/" # pytest-chalice is not available in nixpkgs yet "tests/integrations/chalice/" # broken since rq-1.10.1: https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python/issues/1274 "tests/integrations/rq/" # broken since pytest 7.0.1; AssertionError: previous item was not torn down properly "tests/utils/test_contextvars.py" # broken since Flask and Werkzeug update to 2.1.0 (different error messages) "tests/integrations/flask/test_flask.py" "tests/integrations/bottle/test_bottle.py" "tests/integrations/django/test_basic.py" "tests/integrations/pyramid/test_pyramid.py" ] # test crashes on aarch64 ++ lib.optionals (stdenv.buildPlatform != "x86_64-linux") [ "tests/test_transport.py" "tests/integrations/threading/test_threading.py" ]; pythonImportsCheck = [ "sentry_sdk" ]; meta = with lib; { description = "Python SDK for Sentry.io"; homepage = "https://github.com/getsentry/sentry-python"; license = licenses.bsd2; maintainers = with maintainers; [ fab gebner ]; }; }