{ lib , buildPythonPackage , fetchPypi , python , coverage }: buildPythonPackage rec { version = "1.3.7"; pname = "nose"; src = fetchPypi { inherit pname version; sha256 = "f1bffef9cbc82628f6e7d7b40d7e255aefaa1adb6a1b1d26c69a8b79e6208a98"; }; # 2to3 was removed in setuptools 58 postPatch = '' substituteInPlace setup.py \ --replace "'use_2to3': True," "" substituteInPlace setup3lib.py \ --replace "from setuptools.command.build_py import Mixin2to3" "from distutils.util import Mixin2to3" ''; preBuild = lib.optionalString ((python.isPy3k or false) && (python.pname != "pypy3")) '' 2to3 -wn nose functional_tests unit_tests ''; propagatedBuildInputs = [ coverage ]; doCheck = false; # lot's of transient errors, too much hassle checkPhase = if python.is_py3k or false then '' ${python}/bin/${python.executable} setup.py build_tests '' else "" + '' rm functional_tests/test_multiprocessing/test_concurrent_shared.py* # see https://github.com/nose-devs/nose/commit/226bc671c73643887b36b8467b34ad485c2df062 ${python}/bin/${python.executable} selftest.py ''; meta = with lib; { description = "A unittest-based testing framework for python that makes writing and running tests easier"; homepage = "https://nose.readthedocs.io/"; license = licenses.lgpl3; maintainers = with maintainers; [ ]; }; }