//! Metadata and strings for this application // TODO: translate this pub const NAME: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"); pub const VERSION: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"); pub const AUTHOR: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_AUTHORS"); pub const ABOUT: &'static str = env!("CARGO_PKG_DESCRIPTION"); pub const ARG_FILE: &'static str = "CASS_FILE"; pub const ARG_FILE_ABOUT: &'static str = "Provide a .cass file to operate on"; pub const CMD_START: &'static str = "start"; pub const CMD_START_ABOUT: &'static str = "Start a work session"; pub const CMD_STOP: &'static str = "stop"; pub const CMD_STOP_ABOUT: &'static str = "Stop the current work session"; pub const ARG_ROUNDING: &'static str = "CASS_ROUNDING"; pub const ARG_ROUNDING_ABOUT: &'static str = "Disable the (default) 15 minute rounding period"; pub const CMD_INVOICE: &'static str = "invoice"; pub const CMD_INVOICE_ABOUT: &'static str = "Create an invoice"; pub const ARG_CLIENT: &'static str = "CLIENT"; pub const ARG_CLIENT_ABOUT: &'static str = "Provide the name of the current client for invoice generation"; pub const ARG_PROJECT: &'static str = "PROJECT"; pub const ARG_PROJECT_ABOUT: &'static str = "Provide the name of the current project for invoice generation"; pub const ARG_GEN_YAML: &'static str = "GEN_YAML"; pub const ARG_GEN_YAML_ABOUT: &'static str = "Specify whether to generate a .yml invoice configuration";