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You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Katharina Fey 6446d904a6 Add 'infra/website/' from commit '275bec94f9f9e221bfddeb06ca7d5b87068eb7a0' 4 years ago
.. Add 'infra/website/' from commit '275bec94f9f9e221bfddeb06ca7d5b87068eb7a0' 4 years ago Add 'infra/website/' from commit '275bec94f9f9e221bfddeb06ca7d5b87068eb7a0' 4 years ago Add 'infra/website/' from commit '275bec94f9f9e221bfddeb06ca7d5b87068eb7a0' 4 years ago

Read Time

This plugin calculates the read time for each article based on the number of words and an average words per minute count. There are two ways to set up the plugin: using words per minute only or using the more advanced language option.

Setting Up

Adding to pelican conf

Add the following entry to the PLUGINS array

PLUGINS = ['read_time']

1. Words Per Minute Only

In your settings you would use assign the READ_TIME variable to an integer like so:


Every article's read time would be calculated using this average words per minute count. (See the Usage section for how to use the calculated read times in templates). This is the simplest read time method.

2. Words Per Minute per language

This is the preferred method if you are dealing with multiple languages. Take a look at the following settings

    'default': {
        'wpm': 180,
        'plurals': ['minute', 'minutes']
    'es': {
        'wpm': 200,
        'plurals': ['minuto', 'minutos']
    'it': {
    	'plurals': ['minuto', 'minuti']

In this example the default reading time for all articles is 180 words per minute. Any articles in spanish will be calculated at 200 wpm. This is useful for information dense languages where the read time varies rapidly.

Also notice the Italian language, the read time for all italian articles will be 180wpm (the default value). However, the article will also be able to take advantage of the plurality option. An italian article that takes four minutes to read will have access to a variable that prints "4 minuti". (See the Usage section for how to use the calculated read times in templates)

Chances are the average reading time will not vary rapidly from language to language, however using this method also allows you to set plurals which make templating easier in the long run.


Two variables are accessible through the read time plugin, read_time and read_time_string

This article takes {{article.read_time}} minute(s) to read.
// This article takes 4 minute(s) to read
This article takes {{article.read_time_string}} to read.
// This article takes 4 minutes to read


Deepak Bhalla 2016