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{ lib, mkCoqDerivation, which, coq, version ? null }:
with lib; mkCoqDerivation {
pname = "ltac2";
owner = "coq";
inherit version;
defaultVersion = with versions; switch coq.coq-version [
{ case = "8.10"; out = "0.3"; }
{ case = "8.9"; out = "0.2"; }
{ case = "8.8"; out = "0.1"; }
{ case = "8.7"; out = "0.1-8.7"; }
] null;
release."0.3".sha256 = "0pzs5nsakh4l8ffwgn4ryxbnxdv2x0r1i7bc598ij621haxdirrr";
release."0.2".sha256 = "0xby1kb26r9gcvk5511wqj05fqm9paynwfxlfqkmwkgnfmzk0x73";
release."0.1".sha256 = "1zz26cyv99whj7rrpgnhhm9dfqnpmrx5pqizn8ihf8jkq8d4drz7";
release."0.1-8.7".version = "0.1";
release."0.1-8.7".rev = "v0.1-8.7";
release."0.1-8.7".sha256 = "0l6wiwi4cvd0i324fb29i9mdh0ijlxzggw4mrjjy695l2qdnlgg0";
mlPlugin = true;
meta = {
description = "A robust and expressive tactic language for Coq";
maintainers = [ maintainers.vbgl ];
license = licenses.lgpl21;