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//! Advanced input handler
mod arbiter;
pub use arbiter::*;
mod traits;
pub use traits::*;
// use crate::{graphics::Vector2, viewport::Viewport};
// use ggez::{
// event::EventHandler,
// input::mouse::{self, MouseButton},
// Context, GameResult,
// };
// pub struct InputHandle {
// /// The mouse position on the viewport
// pub mouse_pos: Vector2,
// /// Whether the left mouse button is pressed this frame
// pub left_pressed: bool,
// /// Whether the middle mouse button is pressed this frame
// pub middle_pressed: bool,
// /// Whether the right mouse button is pressed this frame
// pub right_pressed: bool,
// /// Set when pressing left mouse and unset when releasing it
// pub drag_point: Option<Vector2>,
// /// Get the scroll-wheel position this frame
// pub scroll_offset: f32,
// }
// impl InputHandle {
// pub fn new() -> Self {
// Self {
// mouse_pos: Vector2::new(0.0, 0.0),
// left_pressed: false,
// middle_pressed: false,
// right_pressed: false,
// drag_point: None,
// scroll_offset: 1.0,
// }
// }
// /// Get the unprojected mouse coordinates
// pub fn unproject(&self, vp: &Viewport) -> Vector2 {
// // self.mouse_pos.clone() - vp.start().clone()
// todo!()
// }
// }
// impl EventHandler for InputHandle {
// fn update(&mut self, ctx: &mut Context) -> GameResult<()> {
// self.mouse_pos = mouse::position(&ctx).into();
// self.left_pressed = mouse::button_pressed(ctx, MouseButton::Left);
// self.middle_pressed = mouse::button_pressed(ctx, MouseButton::Middle);
// self.right_pressed = mouse::button_pressed(ctx, MouseButton::Right);
// // Only set the drag_point once and unset when we release Left button
// if self.middle_pressed && self.drag_point.is_none() {
// self.drag_point = Some(self.mouse_pos.clone());
// } else if !self.middle_pressed {
// self.drag_point = None;
// }
// Ok(())
// }
// fn mouse_wheel_event(&mut self, _ctx: &mut Context, _: f32, y: f32) {
// self.scroll_offset -= y * 0.25;
// }
// fn draw(&mut self, _: &mut Context) -> GameResult<()> {
// panic!("Don't draw the input handle!");
// }
// }