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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p curl gnused jq -I nixpkgs=.
# This script will update the purescript derivation to the latest version.
set -eo pipefail
# This is the directory of this script.
script_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"
# This is the current revision of PureScript in Nixpkgs.
old_version="$(sed -En 's/.*\bversion = "(.*?)".*/\1/p' "$purescript_derivation_file")"
# This is the latest release version of PureScript on GitHub.
new_version=$(curl --silent "" | jq '.[0].tag_name' --raw-output | sed -e 's/v//')
echo "Updating purescript from old version v${old_version} to new version v${new_version}."
echo "Fetching both old and new release tarballs for Darwin and Linux in order to confirm hashes."
old_linux_version_hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "${old_version}/linux64.tar.gz")"
echo "v${old_version} linux tarball hash (current version): $old_linux_version_hash"
new_linux_version_hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "${new_version}/linux64.tar.gz")"
echo "v${new_version} linux tarball hash: $new_linux_version_hash"
old_darwin_version_hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "${old_version}/macos.tar.gz")"
echo "v${old_version} darwin tarball hash (current version): $old_darwin_version_hash"
new_darwin_version_hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "${new_version}/macos.tar.gz")"
echo "v${new_version} darwin tarball hash: $new_darwin_version_hash"
echo "Replacing version and hashes in ${purescript_derivation_file}."
sed -i -e "s/${old_linux_version_hash}/${new_linux_version_hash}/" "$purescript_derivation_file"
sed -i -e "s/${old_darwin_version_hash}/${new_darwin_version_hash}/" "$purescript_derivation_file"
sed -i -e "s/${old_version}/${new_version}/" "$purescript_derivation_file"
echo "Finished. Make sure you run the following commands to confirm PureScript builds correctly:"
echo ' - `nix build -L -f ./. purescript`'
echo ' - `nix build -L -f ./. purescript.passthru.tests.minimal-module`'
echo ' - `sudo nix build -L -f ./. spago.passthru.tests --option sandbox relaxed`'