My personal project and infrastructure archive
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
655 B

source $stdenv/setup
set -euo pipefail
curl="curl \
--location \
--max-redirs 20 \
--retry 2 \
--disable-epsv \
--cookie-jar cookies \
--insecure \
--speed-time 5 \
--progress-bar \
--fail \
$curlOpts \
echo "Trying to fetch with predicted URL: $predictedURL"
$curl $predictedURL --output $out && exit 0
echo "Predicted URL '$predictedURL' failed, querying"
$curl "$pname/json" | jq -r ".releases.\"$version\"[] | select(.filename == \"$file\") | .url" > url
url=$(cat url)
$curl -k $url --output $out