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final: prev:
inherit (prev.lib) filter hasAttr attrNames mapAttrs concatMap mapAttrs' replaceStrings;
targets = import ./manifests/targets.nix // { _ = "*"; };
distServer = "";
# Extensions for mixed `rust` pkg.
components = [
singleTargetExtensions = [
multiTargetExtensions = [
"rust-src" # This has only one special target `*`
rustPkgExtra = pkgs: target: let
singleTargetTups = map
(pkg: { inherit pkg target; })
(filter (p: hasAttr p pkgs && hasAttr target pkgs.${p}.target) singleTargetExtensions);
multiTargetTups = concatMap
(pkg: map (target: { inherit pkg target; }) (attrNames pkgs.${pkg}.target))
(filter (p: hasAttr p pkgs) multiTargetExtensions);
in {
components = map (pkg: { inherit pkg target; }) components;
extensions = singleTargetTups ++ multiTargetTups;
# version -> { pkgName = { _1 = "..."; } } -> { pkgName = { x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu = fetchurl { .. }; } }
uncompressManifest = version: { date, ... }@manifest: rec {
inherit date;
pkg =
mapAttrs (pkgName: { v, ... }@hashes: {
version = v;
target =
mapAttrs' (targetIdx: hash: let
target = targets.${targetIdx};
pkgNameStripped = replaceStrings ["-preview"] [""] pkgName;
targetTail = if targetIdx == "_" then "" else "-" + target;
in {
name = target;
value = {
xz_url = "${distServer}/dist/${date}/${pkgNameStripped}-${version}${targetTail}.tar.xz";
xz_hash = hash;
} // (if pkgName == "rust" then rustPkgExtra pkg target else {});
}) (removeAttrs hashes ["v"]);
}) (removeAttrs manifest ["date"]);
uncompressManifestSet = set: let
ret = mapAttrs uncompressManifest (removeAttrs set ["latest"]);
in ret // { latest = ret.${set.latest}; };
manifests = {
stable = uncompressManifestSet (import ./manifests/stable);
# in { inherit manifests; }
in import ./rust-overlay.nix final prev manifests