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Katharina Fey 8f3fdd58ce
libkookie: introduce development shells module
3 years ago
elixir libkookie: introduce development shells module 3 years ago
raku libkookie: introduce development shells module 3 years ago
rust libkookie: introduce development shells module 3 years ago libkookie: introduce development shells module 3 years ago
base.nix libkookie: introduce development shells module 3 years ago

nix builders

To make development on NixOS slightly less excruciating, libkookie ships with a set of development shells. These are environments that can be included a by projects to provide the basic set of tools required by a language or development framework.

libkookie itself then provides the <shells> key in the NIX_PATH, which means that existing shells can easily be included and layered by other shell.nix files.

How to use

Create a shell.nix for a project that you want to include. The tool msh (Make SHell) is available to generate these based on common defaults. Afterwards both lorri and nix-shell will be able to pick up the required environment for development.

{...}: import <shells/rust> {}

The above snippet includes the basic Rust development toolchain. You can also provide a set of additional packages to install

{ pkgs, ... }: import <shells/rust/stable> { packages = [ pkgs.hello ]; }