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#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
#!nix-shell -i bash -p curl common-updater-scripts nodePackages.node2nix gnused nix coreutils jq
set -euo pipefail
latestVersion="$(curl -s "" | jq -r ".[0].tag_name" | sed 's/^v//')"
currentVersion=$(nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import ./. {}; mjolnir.version or (lib.getVersion mjolnir)" | tr -d '"')
if [[ "$currentVersion" == "$latestVersion" ]]; then
echo "mjolnir is up-to-date: $currentVersion"
exit 0
update-source-version mjolnir 0 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
update-source-version mjolnir "$latestVersion"
# use patched source
store_src="$(nix-build . -A mjolnir.src --no-out-link)"
cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
node2nix \
--nodejs-14 \
--development \
--node-env ./node-env.nix \
--output ./node-deps.nix \
--input "$store_src/package.json" \
--composition ./node-composition.nix