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//! Publishing operation handling
mod exec;
pub(super) use exec::run;
use super::RenderHelp;
/// Publish a single crate to
/// This command does the following things
/// 0. Determine if the git tree has modifications, `cargo publish`
/// will refuse to work otherwise.
/// 1. Find the crate in question
/// 2. Bump the version number according to the user input
/// 3. Find all dependent crates in the workspace with a version bound
/// 4. Update the version bound to the new version
pub struct Publish {
/// The version type to publish
pub tt: PublishType,
/// Whether to set a new devel version after publish
pub devel: bool,
impl RenderHelp for Publish {
fn render_help(code: i32) -> ! {
eprintln!("Publish the selected set of crates");
eprintln!("Usage: cargo ws2 <...> publish [=]<level> [OPTIONS]");
eprintln!("When prepending `=` to the level, bump crates in sync\n");
eprintln!("Available levels:\n");
eprintln!(" - major: Bump major version (1.0.0 -> 2.0.0)");
eprintln!(" - minor: Bump minor version (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0)");
eprintln!(" - patch: Bump patch version (0.5.0 -> 0.5.1)");
eprintln!("Available options:\n");
eprintln!(" - alpha: Create a new alpha (append `-alpha.X`)");
eprintln!(" - beta: Create a new beta (append `-beta.X`)");
eprintln!(" - rc: Create a new rc (append `-rc.X`)");
eprintln!(" - devel: Tag next version as -devel");
/// The level to which to update
/// New versions are based on the previous version, and are always
/// computed on the fly.
/// It's recommended you use the [`versions`](./versions/index.html)
/// builder functions.
pub enum PublishType {
/// A fixed version to set the set to
/// A major bump (e.g. 1.0 -> 2.0)
/// A minor bump (e.g. 0.1 -> 0.2)
/// A patch bump (e.g. 1.5.0 -> 1.5.1)
impl PublishType {
pub(crate) fn _mod(&self) -> Option<&PublishMod> {
match self {
Self::Major(ref m) => Some(m),
Self::Minor(ref m) => Some(m),
Self::Patch(ref m) => Some(m),
Self::Fixed(_) => None,
.and_then(|_mod| match _mod {
PublishMod::None => None,
other => Some(other),
/// Version string modifier
/// It's recommended you use the [`versions`](./versions/index.html)
/// builder functions.
pub enum PublishMod {
/// No version modification
/// Append `-alpha$X` where `$X` is a continuously increasing number
/// Append `-beta$X` where `$X` is a continuously increasing number
/// Append `-rc$X` where `$X` is a continuously increasing number
/// Version bump management
pub mod versions {
use super::{PublishMod, PublishType};
/// Create a major publish
pub fn major(_mod: PublishMod) -> PublishType {
/// Create a minor publish
pub fn minor(_mod: PublishMod) -> PublishType {
/// Create a patch publish
pub fn patch(_mod: PublishMod) -> PublishType {
/// Create a none modifier
pub fn mod_none() -> PublishMod {
/// Create an alpha modifier
pub fn mod_alpha() -> PublishMod {
/// Create a beta modifier
pub fn mod_beta() -> PublishMod {
/// Create an rc modifier
pub fn mod_rc() -> PublishMod {