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# This function compiles a source tarball in a virtual machine image
# that contains a Debian-like (i.e. dpkg-based) OS.
{ name ? "debian-build"
, diskImage
, src, lib, stdenv, vmTools, checkinstall
, fsTranslation ? false
, # Features provided by this package.
debProvides ? []
, # Features required by this package.
debRequires ? []
, ... } @ args:
vmTools.runInLinuxImage (stdenv.mkDerivation (
doCheck = true;
prefix = "/usr";
prePhases = "installExtraDebsPhase sysInfoPhase";
// removeAttrs args ["vmTools" "lib"] //
name = name + "-" + + (if src ? version then "-" + src.version else "");
# !!! cut&paste from rpm-build.nix
postHook = ''
. ${./}
src=$(findTarball $src)
installExtraDebsPhase = ''
for i in $extraDebs; do
dpkg --install $(ls $i/debs/*.deb | sort | head -1)
sysInfoPhase = ''
[ ! -f /etc/lsb-release ] || (source /etc/lsb-release; echo "OS release: $DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION")
echo "System/kernel: $(uname -a)"
if test -e /etc/debian_version; then echo "Debian release: $(cat /etc/debian_version)"; fi
header "installed Debian packages"
dpkg-query --list
installPhase = ''
eval "$preInstall"
export LOGNAME=root
# otherwise build hangs when it wants to display
# the log file
export PAGER=cat
${checkinstall}/sbin/checkinstall --nodoc -y -D \
--fstrans=${if fsTranslation then "yes" else "no"} \
--requires="${lib.concatStringsSep "," debRequires}" \
--provides="${lib.concatStringsSep "," debProvides}" \
${if (src ? version) then "--pkgversion=$(echo ${src.version} | tr _ -)"
else "--pkgversion=0.0.0"} \
''${debMaintainer:+--maintainer="'$debMaintainer'"} \
''${debName:+--pkgname="'$debName'"} \
$checkInstallFlags \
-- \
$SHELL -c "''${installCommand:-make install}"
mkdir -p $out/debs
find . -name "*.deb" -exec cp {} $out/debs \;
[ "$(echo $out/debs/*.deb)" != "" ]
for i in $out/debs/*.deb; do
header "Generated DEB package: $i"
dpkg-deb --info "$i"
pkgName=$(dpkg-deb -W "$i" | awk '{print $1}')
echo "file deb $i" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
dpkg -i $out/debs/*.deb
for i in $extraDebs; do
echo "file deb-extra $(ls $i/debs/*.deb | sort | head -1)" >> $out/nix-support/hydra-build-products
eval "$postInstall"
meta = (if args ? meta then args.meta else {}) // {
description = "Deb package for ${diskImage.fullName}";