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//! Some unit tests that create create tables
use crate::backend::{Pg, SqlGenerator};
use crate::{types, Migration, Table};
fn simple_table() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.create_table("users", |_: &mut Table| {});
assert_eq!(m.make::<Pg>(), String::from("CREATE TABLE \"users\" ();"));
fn create_table_if_not_exists_doesnt_hit_unreachable() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.create_table_if_not_exists("artist", |t| {
t.add_column("id", types::primary());
t.add_column("name", types::text().nullable(true));
t.add_column("description", types::text().nullable(true));
t.add_column("pic", types::text().nullable(true));
t.add_column("mbid", types::text().nullable(true));
assert_eq!(m.make::<Pg>(), String::from("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"artist\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" TEXT, \"description\" TEXT, \"pic\" TEXT, \"mbid\" TEXT);"));
fn basic_fields() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.create_table("users", |t: &mut Table| {
t.add_column("id", types::primary());
t.add_column("name", types::varchar(255));
t.add_column("age", types::integer());
t.add_column("plushy_sharks_owned", types::boolean());
String::from("CREATE TABLE \"users\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, \"age\" INTEGER NOT NULL, \"plushy_sharks_owned\" BOOLEAN NOT NULL);")
// #[test]
// fn basic_fields_with_defaults() {
// let mut m = Migration::new();
// m.create_table("users", |t: &mut Table| {
// t.add_column("name", types::varchar(255));
// t.add_column("age", types::integer());
// t.add_column("plushy_sharks_owned", types::boolean()); // nobody is allowed plushy sharks
// });
// assert_eq!(
// m.make::<Pg>(),
// String::from("CREATE TABLE \"users\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT 'Anonymous' NOT NULL, \"age\" INTEGER DEFAULT '100' NOT NULL, \"plushy_sharks_owned\" BOOLEAN DEFAULT 'f' NOT NULL);")
// );
// }
fn basic_fields_nullable() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.create_table("users", |t: &mut Table| {
t.add_column("id", types::primary());
t.add_column("name", types::varchar(255).nullable(true));
t.add_column("age", types::integer().nullable(true));
t.add_column("plushy_sharks_owned", types::boolean().nullable(true));
String::from("CREATE TABLE \"users\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" VARCHAR(255), \"age\" INTEGER, \"plushy_sharks_owned\" BOOLEAN);")
// #[test]// fn simple_foreign_fields() {
// let mut m = Migration::new();
// m.create_table("users", |t: &mut Table| {
// t.add_column("id", types::primary());
// t.add_column("posts", types::foreign("poststypes::"));
// ()
// });
// assert_eq!(
// m.make::<Pg>(),
// String::from("CREATE TABLE \"users\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"posts\" INTEGER REFERENCES posts NOT NULL);")
// );
// }
fn create_multiple_tables() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.create_table("artist", |t| {
t.add_column("id", types::primary());
t.add_column("name", types::text());
t.add_column("description", types::text());
t.add_column("pic", types::text());
t.add_column("mbid", types::text());
m.create_table("album", |t| {
t.add_column("id", types::primary());
t.add_column("name", types::text());
t.add_column("pic", types::text());
t.add_column("mbid", types::text());
assert_eq!(m.make::<Pg>(), String::from("CREATE TABLE \"artist\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" TEXT NOT NULL, \"description\" TEXT NOT NULL, \"pic\" TEXT NOT NULL, \"mbid\" TEXT NOT NULL);CREATE TABLE \"album\" (\"id\" SERIAL PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, \"name\" TEXT NOT NULL, \"pic\" TEXT NOT NULL, \"mbid\" TEXT NOT NULL);"));
fn drop_table() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
assert_eq!(m.make::<Pg>(), String::from("DROP TABLE \"users\";"));
fn drop_table_if_exists() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
String::from("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"users\";")
fn rename_table() {
let mut m = Migration::new();
m.rename_table("users", "cool_users");
String::from("ALTER TABLE \"users\" RENAME TO \"cool_users\";")